Childish Games

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Warning: adult content

Gabriel's POV

I woke up and looked at Sam who again skipped school for me. I smiled to myself then realized how bored I was. I was feeling a lot better but I pretended to be sick just so Sam would stay home with me.

"Sammy...Samwich wake up." I say quietly. I then lay on him when he doesn't get up and start waving my arms around. "Get up get up get up get up get up get up get up." He sits up while I'm still on top of him and looks down at me.

"Are you done?" He says smiling and I shake my head.

"No....get up get up get up get up get up get up get up."

"Geez Gabe I'm up. You seem to be better than you were this morning.

"I wasn't sick, I just wanted us to have some alone time." I sit sitting on his lap facing him with my legs around his waist.

"I like the sound of that." He said smirking and he kissed my neck then my lips. "Although I don't like being tricked. So there for I'm mad at you." He says laying back down and covering his head with the pillow.

"Oh come on Sammy that's just childish!" I say shaking him. I lift the pillow and just hang my head over his. My hair was ticking his forehead and he pushed me away. Since he's such a giant it want that hard to make him think he pushed me off the bed. I landed on the ground with a loud thump and acted hurt.

"I'm sorry! Are you okay?" He says getting up and coming to my side. I pull him down on top of me and our lips crash together. "Damn it Gabriel." He grunted against my mouth. When his mouth was open I took the chance to slip my tongue in. He kissed me back then pulled away and started kissing my neck. He moved up to my mouth and I leaned into him. I slid my hands under his shirt and felt his abs. He is pretty built for a nerd. A small moan slipped from his throat and I smiled. I kissed along his jawline and nibbled his ear. He gasped and began to suck on my neck. I pulled his shirt over his head and he did the same to me. Our breaths were coming as quick gasps. I could feel him get hard against my stomach and I reached towards the hem of his pants. He caught my wrist to stop me and I took it he wasn't ready. I nodded and let my forehead rest against his. He kissed me softly them Got up and sat on the bed.

"Sorry." He says quietly and I get up and sit by him.

"Don't apologize babe. It's fine." I said then rolled to my side of the bed. The bed evened out when he got up and he walked to the mirror.

"Gabe you gave me a hickey!" He said and I looked up smiling. "Gabe it's not funny. Dean is going to ask questions. And Cas will ask you too."

"Why would he ask me?" I asked curiously and got up to look at myself. I saw what he was talking about when there was a dark hickey on my jaw just a little far from my ear. "Shit."

Castiels POV

Dean and I skipped school today and went to the lake instead. Dean found a way to get the car back here too and we sat on the roof just talking about anything that came to mind. I looked over at him and he was staring at me. "What?" I asked and he responded by his lips crashing into mine. I kissed him back and tangled my fingers in his hair. He bit my bottom lip and then his tongue slid into my mouth and his hand slipped under my shirt. I pulled away and began to suck on his neck earning a small moan from him. Dean pulled away but still had a grip on my shirt so he was pulling me with him. We both slid off the roof of the car and began our make-out session again. Dean reached behind him and opened the door to the backseat and pulled me in. I crawled on top of him and closed the door behind us. I pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the front. He took my coat off and put it over one of the seats only separating from me for a second. He laid back after taking my shirt off and I started nipping and sucking on his chest and up his shoulder. Somehow he flipped us to where he was on top. He ran his hand down my sides and then to my belt. He started to undo it but he must have felt my whole body tense up. He leaned down and kissed my neck and jawline.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered into my ear and I nodded.

He then pulled down my boxers with his teeth and as his teeth touched my skin I moaned quietly.

Anna's POV

I just moved in with my boyfriend and I already can't trust my brothers nor the winchesters. I already got a call that none of them showed at school today and I'm driving to the house right now.

I got to the house and walked in on Gabriel and Sam making out in the far corner of the kitchen. "Hello boys." I say and they both jump away from each other. "It's fine. I want to know where Cas and Dean are. I got a call that they weren't at school." They both looked at each other confused and I headed out to look for them. Cas is usually a good kid. I'm sure he skipped school for a reason.

Deans POV

I was laying on top of Cas as we both tried to catch our breaths.

"Wow." Was all Cas said and I chuckled kissing him.

"Sam and Gabe will be looking for us." He said.

"Trust me I think their busy with their own thing."

"Dean, I'm being serious what is it about those two that I don't?!" I could tell he was being serious and starting to get mad at me.

"Their together. Like together together, as in tongues shoved down each other's throats." I said and I looked up at him and his eyes were wide. He pushed me off of him and started to get his clothes on. "Aww come on don't tell me your mad at me. They wanted it to stay secret. They don't know I know."

"Dean you realize that Sam is older than Gabe right! Sam is 17 your 18 and so am I Gabe is 16. I swear to god Dean I would punch you in the face if you weren't my boyfriend and if we didn't just have sex. Now get your clothes on and drive us home." He looked at my sternly and I started to get dressed. I should've told him sooner.

We got to the house and Cas was the first one out of the car. He ran inside and closed the door quietly behind him.

Castiels POV

I walked inside quietly so that if they were doing anything I could catch them in the act. I still can't believe Gabriel didn't tell me. I walked up the stairs and tried to open Gabes door but it was locked. I got out a small pin and picked the lock opening the door quietly. I looked in and saw Sam and Gabe sure enough all over each other. Gabes hand was slightly under Sams shirt and Sam had his hand in Gabriels hair. I opened the door fully and kicked it close behind me locking it so that Dean could barge in.

Sam jumped off my brother and fixed his shirt while Gabe sat up and looked at me worried.

"When were you planning on telling me?" I asked Sam.

"We were just talking today we were going to-" Sam started but I glared at him and he stared at the ground shamefully.

"Whatever. Just, don't hurt him Sam." Gabe looked at me before I left the room. I walked into Dean and I's room and I was slammed up against the wall.

"Dean what the-" I was cut off by his lips smashing into mine and I eased into it. "Dean I'm not mad at you." I said and leaned my forehead up against his. He sighed and let me go then walked to the bathroom

"I'm gonna go take a shower. Care to join?" He said smiling and I gladly followed him.

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