Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Meggan. Meggan Dallas. My brother is Cameron Dallas and my sister is Sierra Dallas. I'm 14 years old. I have blonde hair and a mixture between blue and green eyes. I have a medium size body but I have insecurities about being to big. I have a best friend that helps me with the insecurities. She has brown hair and brown eyes. Her body shape is just like mine but she's comfortable with her size. Her name is Virgo. She is low key in love with this guy name Grant Landis.

Usually you would think I would know the MAGCON boys personally because of Cam. But I don't. The only person I do know is Nash. Cameron thinks hiding me from them and the fame will protect me from the hate.

Cameron is a good brother, but he can get overprotective sometimes. One time, I told him I was going over to Virgo's house and he kept shooting me with questions like "Are there going to be boys there?" "Are you going to be drinking?" And more.

Me, Virgo, and some other friends wanted to create a YouTube channel called "Dreamer5" but Cameron wouldn't let me. I told them to do it without me, but they said they're not going to since we were gig to do it as a group with me.

Ever since Cameron started becoming famous, I started getting more stressed. Me and cam used to be super close. We would always hang out together, do everything together. Now he's getting busy with the fans, his YouTube and vine, and tours. Me, oh I've been busy with school and friends. I'm starting to learn how to sing but I wouldn't say I'm good. Virgo, my mom, and Cameron think I am, but I don't.

I've wanted to become vine and YouTube famous like Cameron, but being the overprotective brother Cam is, that's not going to be able to happen for awhile.

I've been wanting to meet the boys, but Cameron won't let me. Every time he has one of them over, I have to stay in my room or stay at Virgo's. If I stay, him, mom, and when Sierra is over, would bring food up for me since I can't go down.

I know what you're thinking, "Gees, you're life sounds boring and locked up." But to be honest, it actually isn't. I'm just living the life of a normal girl since I don't have to worry about getting mobbed by fans. But it is hard going out with Cam though because of fans.

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