Chapter 12

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I wake up to Virgo shaking me trying to wake me.

"Meggan, get up. We just landed."

I wake up and blink my eyes to get rid of the fuzziness. Virgo starts laughing for a random reason. "What?" I asked. "Your hair." She says still laughing. I look at my self through my phone. I started laughing too. I fixed it and got up and headed off the plane.

Cameron and the boys were in a corner talking to other boys. They might be the other MAGCON boys. I started getting nervous because I was afraid of what they would think of me.

Cam turned around and walked up to me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Guys, I like you to personally meet my little sister, Meggan." "Hi. It's nice to finally meet Y'all!!" I said. A lot of "hey"s were exchanged.

We went outside and saw a limo waiting on us. We got in it, and jacked around till we got to the resort. The boys and Virgo were in awe. Me and Cameron laughed at them. "This place is amazing." Virgo said. The boys nodded their heads in agreement.

Every time we come here, my whole family on my dads side is here.

My dad and all the family walked out. All but one person.

"Hi cupcake, Hey Cameron!!" My dad said. I ran to him and hugged him. Even though he doesn't live with me, I still love him. "Hi daddy!!" I said after letting go. "Hey dad." Cam said hugging him. I go up to everyone else and hug them. I grab Virgo's hand and take her and the boys over to the family. "Dad, this is Virgo and the boys. Guys this all my family on my dads side. We got my aunt Shelly, uncle Paul, aunt Ashley, uncle Matt-" I got interrupted by Matt E "HEY THATS MY NAME!!!!" Everyone just laughed. "As I was saying, we also have aunt Natalie, uncle Josh, cousins caleb, Rayden, China, Nick, Joe, Andrew, Aaron-" got cut off again but by Aaron C. "That's my name!!" "We also have grandma Cathy and Aunt Diane. We have everyone here but one person. My Uncle Kourtney. He's in the air force right now. I sure do miss him." I said looking down at the ground saying the last part. I would say, in probably the closest to him in the family. Other than Aunt Diane since that's his wife. It hurt when he left me but I knew he was saving our country.

"I'm sure he misses you too, Meggan." Aunt Diane said to me coming over and giving me a hug.

After we talked for awhile, we went to our rooms. We rented out the top 5 floors so no one would bother us. I shared a room with Virgo. And the boys figured out who would be with who. Nash and Cam, Matt and Shawn, Hayes and Aaron C., The Jacks, and Taylor and Carter. All us kids had the very top floor. The rest of the family had the floors below us.

Me and Virgo were unpacking when there was a knock on the door. I went over and opened it. Hayes and Cam were standing there dressed up in their snowboard clothes. "Hey, we're all going snowboarding. You guys wanna come?" Hayes asked. I looked at Virgo and she nodded her head yes. "Ya, sure. We just gotta get ready and well meet you down there." They nodded their heads and left.

I got my Swift gear on and I let Virgo borrow my extra gear. I grabbed my phone and stuck it in my pocket. Virgo grabbed her phone and stuck it in her pocket too. We left the room and went to the elevator and went down to the lobby. We went to boards and boot rentals. Since Dad owns the resort, I have my own designed board and boots for me. Virgo got her board and boots and we went outside to find all the boys outside waiting for us.

"You guys ready?" Cameron asked. We nodded our heads and me and Cameron lead them to the ski lift. We passed by the half pipe where the accident happened. I stopped and looked at it. The memory came back and I felt my eyes tearing up. Cameron comes up and pulls me into a hug.

"What's wrong?" Jack G asked. "That's where I lost her." I said letting a year fall down my cheek. "What do you mean, that's where you lost her?" Jack J asked. Cameron, Virgo, and the boys that knew looked at me with a sympathetic look. "Do you want me to tell them?" Cameron asked. "No. I can tell them. Umm... A few years ago, at a Fire&Ice competition, my best friend Kristi was doing risky stunts in her run. She messed up on the hardest one and fell hard in the ground. She shattered her lungs and couldn't get any oxygen. I ran up to her and she wasn't breathing. I felt her pulse but felt nothing. I was holding her in my arms and that moment, I realized that I had lost my best friend." I said with tears silently going down my face. All the boys look at me and give me a big group hug. "I'm so sorry"s were being said. "It's okay guys. I mean it still hurts thinking about her, but I know she's up there watching over me." I said faking a smile and pointing to the sky. They all gave me sympathetic smiles. We went to the lift and got into partners. We all had the person we share a room with as our partner.

In the middle if the lift, Virgo turns and looks at me. "This is gonna be a harder trip than you thought, isn't it?" I looked at her and nodded. "Ya. It isn't the same. Going to the same place that Kristi died at and on top of that, the person in closest with isn't here. This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought."

She just smiled at me and hugged me. I'm so glad I got a best friend like her.

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