Chapter 23

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He looks up and smirks at me. "Nice to see you again Meggan." He says.

Let me tell you who this kidnapper is. This is Tyler McCoy. He's my ex boyfriend.

(A/n: I forgot if I mentioned if she's had a boyfriend before or not so let's pretend she has.)

I broke up with him because he kept cheating on me. What's worse is that he would go behind my back every weekend. And every weekend he had a different girl. After I found out, I broke up with him and warned all the girls about him.

"What do you want from me?" I asked. "The thing you prevented for me to get." He said. "Huh?" I asked confused.

"You know what it is. Most people want it. A lot of people have already had it. I haven't gotten it yet and your gonna help me with it." He said a little agitated.

"I'm still confused." I said.

"You'll figure it out when we get there." He said. Wait get where? Where are we going? Where's he taking me? Wait, what if he's gonna take advantage of me? Oh no.

"Put me down!!" I say pounding his back. "Never." He replied.

I started freaking out and started screaming for help.

"NASH. HAYES. CAM. SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" I screamed hoping they heard me.

""Oh shut it. We're almost to the car. Once we get where we're going, they won't be able to find you." He said.

We get to a car. He throws me in the back seat and shuts the door. As he's walking to the other side, I jump out and make a run for it.

As I'm running I turn to see if he's following me. And of course he is. I run into something and look up to see all the boys. I run and hide behind Cam and Nash who are up front. I soon found myself being surrounded by the boys.

Tyler stops in front of the boys.

"Oh look. You got boys protecting you. How sweet. No wonder people call you a slut on the Internet." Tyler said.

I cringed after he said that. I grabbed onto someone's arm not knowing who's. I look and see its Hayes'. I look up at his face and see his jaw tighten and his eyes glaring at Tyler.

"What do you want Tyler?" Cameron asked.

"Honestly cameron. I thought you'd be smarter than that. I want what everyone wants. I want to feel the pleasure that everyone else feels. But your loud mouth sister ruined that chance for me." Tyler said glaring at me and taking a step closer.

I look up at Cam and see him tense up. I guess he figured it out. I look at the others and see the same thing. Hayes wraps his arms around me protectively. I mentally smile and blush.

"You guys are too young to be thinking about that. If you want her, you have to get through us first." Nash said. All the boys step closer together pushing me and hayes towards the back. This is going to be bad.

Tyler steps closer to the boys. Soon enough he starts trying to push his way through them. But once he gets to cam he stops. He tries punching Cameron only to get punched by him.

Tyler falls to the ground knocked out.

"Dang Cam. You knocked the sucker out. What do we do with him?" Taylor says.

"Take him to the police station." Matt said. They all nodded their head. Cam picks him up and starts walking towards the station since it's not that far.

All the boys followed him but I stayed put. I was still scared of what was gonna happen to me.

"Hey, you okay?" Someone says. I look up and see Hayes. I shake my head yes then no. He comes over to me and hugs me. We stand there hugging as I'm thinking of the situation that happened.

Hayes lets go and looks at me. I realize I have a tear sliding down my face. He sees it too and wipes it away. I smile at him. He leans in and kisses my cheek causing a bomb of butterflies to explode in my stomach.

I blush and smile slightly. But it soon fades away. Hayes must've noticed cause he said, "Hey. You're okay. We're gonna take care of that kid. If he comes back he won't get anywhere near you with the boys around. Especially around Cam."

I laugh a little causing him to smile. "There's that laugh that I love." He said blushing right after he said it. I blushed and smiled again.

I think I am starting to fall for him.

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