Chapter 20

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As we were eating, one of my teammates came rushing through the door.

"Meggan, you're gonna be late to practice!!" Sarah said quickly.

"What, I thought it wasn't till later?"

"Jessica changed the times. Now come on and go get dressed."

I nodded my head and told everyone bye. Hayes jumps out of his seat saying, "I wanna come." I nodded my head again and went up to my room. Walking in, Hayes sat down on my bed while I put on my gear.

Once we got to the half pipe, the entire team was there. Hayes sat on the bench next to the half pipe and watched.

I was one of the last ones to do my routine. When it was my turn, I took in a deep breath to concentrate. Once I was concentrated, I went down the side going into a front 9. Then a back 9, followed by a flip. Landing it, I slid all the way to were the team was standing, which was next to Hayes of course.

"Meggan, that was perfect!!" Jessica said. "Thanks." I said back. I looked over at Hayes and saw all the girls surrounding him. Of course. I went back up to the top and tried concentrating. But I couldn't because I could hear Laney's annoying little flirty laugh. I tried ignoring it but I couldn't.

As I went to go into a front 5, I did it wrong. I fell down, falling on my leg wrong. I fell on the ground and held my leg. Crying, I didn't realize Jessica was right next to me. "Meggan? Are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked. I look up and see Hayes trying to come over to me but Laney is holding him back. He manages to get away and comes running over to me. "Oh my god!! Are you okay?"

"G-get C-Cameron. Please." I said in between sobs. Hayes nodded his head and called him.

*Cams POV*

We were all messing around in the room when my phone went off. I saw it was hayes.

{Convo: C: Cam H: Hayes. Obviously}

C: Hello?
H: Cameron!! Meggans hurt!!
H: I don't know. This girl was surrounding me and I heard Jessica ask if she's okay.
C: Where are you guys?!?!?
H: At the half pipe
C: Okay, I'm coming.
H: Hurry!!!

{End of convo}

"What's wrong? What happened?" Nash asked getting up. "Meggan got hurt. I'm gonna go see what's wrong." I said getting my shoes and coat on.

"We're coming too." All the boys said. I nodded my head and we left. When we got there, I saw Meggan sitting on the ground holding her leg. I ran to her side asking what's wrong. "I-I think I broke my leg. Or did something to it because it hurts really bad. I landed in it wrong and now I'm like this. And I just don't know wh-" I cut her off. "Meggan, calm down. It's okay. We're gonna take you to the doctor in the hotel. We'll find out what's wrong okay?" I asked. She sighed and said, "Okay."

I picked her up bridal style and walked to the little doctors office. When we get there, I set her on a table and the doctor comes in.

(After getting checked out.)

"Well Meggan, it looks like you fractured your knee from landing on it wrong. You're gonna have to use crutches for awhile." He said.

"Does this mean I can't snowboard anymore?!?!" She asked frantically.

"No more snowboarding." He said. She frowned and looked at the ground. After she got her crutches, we walked back to the rooms.

*Meggans POV*

This sucks. Now I can't participate in Fire&Ice. When we got to our rooms, I walked in and collapsed on my bed. I closed my eyes when Cam said, "Tired?" I nodded my head. "Very."

"Well just go ahead and leave you alone then." He said walking towards the door. I closed my eyes and soon, darkness took over me.


Hey guys. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating for awhile. I've been busy with school and stuff at home.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter.




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