Chapter 8

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It got late so I asked if Virgo could stay the night. Mom said that was fine.

I just woke up and Virgo is stirring in her sleep. I get up and go brush my hair and teeth. I walk back out and see Virgo still sleeping. I run and jump on her saying "Virgo!!! Get yo lazy butt up!!!" She woke up laughing. "You hungry?" "Yes!!! Starving!!" She said getting up. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a lot of Twitter notifications.

"You coming?" Virgo asked. "Ya. I'll be down in a sec." She nodded and left. I looked at all the comments. Some were good and some were bad. But there was one that stood out. It was from Jordyn. The most popular girl in my school. She used to bully me until Cameron told her off.

"Ew. What a whore. She's so fat and ugly. I would die if I looked like that. I bet if she killed herself no one would even care. So Meggan, if you see this, do us all a favor, and kills yourself."

I was crying by now. But not loud enough for anyone to hear me. I wasn't very hungry after that.

After awhile, I wiped my eyes to make it look like I hadn't been crying, and walked downstairs. I saw everyone was up and eating.

"Fix yourself a plate Meggan. It's your favorite." Cam said.

"No thanks. I'm not that hungry." Everyone got quiet and looked at me with a blank expression. "What?"

"Are you okay? You never say no to French Toast. You're never not hungry in the mornings. Are you sick?" Cam asked coming up and feeling my forehead. "I'm just not hungry, that's all." I said back and sat down next to Virgo at the bar.

"Meggan, I've known you for three years now. You're usually always stuffing your face with French toast. Are you sure your okay?" Nash had said.

"Oh, well thanks for making me sound fat." I said rolling my eyes in a playful way. "You know that's not what I meant." He said. "I know. I'm messing with Ya. And I'm just not in a food mood."

They let go of the topic and continued eating.

"Meggan, don't forget we're going to Summit Valley next month." Cam said.

Summit Valley is a snow resort that my dad owns. Me and cam go there every year to visit my dad. They have a snowboarding team there and I'm always on it. When we go there, we have a competition called Fire & Ice. Every year, we either got 1st place or 2nd place.

"Oh yea. I forgot. Can Virgo come this year? Please. I really wanna teach her how to snowboard." I asked begging him and same with Virgo.

"I don't care. Ask dad though. I was gonna ask him if all the boys can come anyways." He said. All the boys jumped up saying "YES!!!"

"Wait, Meggan knows how to board? That's sweet." Hayes said smiling.

"Yeah she can. I've seen her in one of her competitions. She's boss at it." Nash said.

"I wouldn't say I'm boss at it. I'm not the best boarder on the team you know."

"Ya you are. You're better than Skye. And she really good." Cam said.

"What team are you on?" Matt asked.

"Team Swift." I said blushing embarrassed.

"Woah, that's a pretty good team. You must be really good to get on that team." Matt said. I blushed.

"Cam, can we call dad now and ask him?" I asked. Cam nodded his head.

We called him and he answered.


D: Hey Cam. You excited for next month.

C: Hi dad. Ya I'm excited. I have Meggan here with me too. You're on. speaker.

D: Hi cupcake!!
M: Hi daddy. Me and cam have a question for you.
D: Ask away.
M: We were wondering if it would be ok if I bring Virgo with me
C: And I bring the Boys with me?
D: Ya sure. That's fine. Cam, which boys are you bringing?
C: All them.
D: Ok. Can't wait to see you guys. I miss you.
M&C: thank you. Can't wait to see you either. Miss you too.

With that we hung up. "You're bringing all the guys?" I asked nervously. He nodded his head. "The ones I've met." "And the ones you haven't met." He interrupted me. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"They're gonna meet you sooner or later. I'm tired of having to hide you from them. And I'm pretty sure you're tired of it too." I nodded my head yes.

We to the Virgo and the boys here that they can go.

"How long are we staying?" Virgo asked.

"All through May 31 to June 30." I told her.

"Hey, we're gonna be there on my birthday." Hayes said. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

We decided to FaceTime all the other boys to let them know. We facetimed Aaron first. Me and cam were up closer to the camera and the boys were behind us.

A: Yo cam my boys what's up?
C: Nothing much. I got two news for you.
A: Good or bad?
C: Both are good.
A: Ok. What?
C: First of all, meet my little sister Meggan.
A: Woah, since when did you get a little sis?
C: 14 years ago.
A: Oh. Well, hi Meggan. I'm Aaron. Nice to meet you.
M: Hi. Nice to meet you too.
A: What's the other news.
C: Mine and Meggans dad owns a snow resort and we're going there next month. We're wondering if you wanna come with us.
M: All these dorks back here are going.
A: Ya sure. I'd love to come. Just text me when we leave and stuff.
C: Ok. Bye Aaron.
M: Bye Aaron!!
A: Bye guys.

He hung up after that. After aaron, we facetimed everyone else. Got the same exact reaction to cam introducing me and the same exact answer every time.

I'm so excited for next month. I hope I don't have any competitions on Hayes birthday, since we get surprise comps. Oh well we just have to wait and see.

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