Chapter 3

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I was laying in bed watching YouTube videos. In the middle of watching an old video of O2L, my phone went off. I got off of my bed and grabbed it from my dresser. I looked at the name. It was Virgo.

V: Hey gurllll!!!!
M: What'd up??
V: Nothing really. Just watching Grants vines and YouTube videos. U?
M: Hiding in my room again.
V: Cams having his friends over isn't he?😕
M: Yes😕
V: Oh, I'm sorry dude😬😬
M: It's ok. I gotta two outta three of my bæs in here.
V: Swag dude!!!😂😂
M: Yep😂😂😂
V: Well I gtg. Mom and I are going to Joplin. Maybe I'll run into Grant😱😱
M: Hoping for ya😂😂😂
V: Thnx. Bye
M: Bye

I set my phone back down and went to watch more videos. After 30 minutes, I got hungry and mom wasn't here, so I got up and walked down to the kitchen hoping the boys aren't here yet.

I turned the corner and got a glimpse of brown hair. It was probably cam's. Wait. He doesn't have shaggy hair like that. I recognized too late and realized I was in the kitchen. I tried leaving before they saw me, but it was too late.

"Uh.. Cam. You got a crazy fan in your house." Taylor says. Can turns around and both of our eyes go big. Same with Nash. I mouthed a sorry. What he said made me want to die.

"I'm sorry, but we aren't supposed to have crazy fans in here. We need you to leave." He said with a serious face.

"Cameron!! How could you say that to your own little sister!!" I hear mom say, just realizing she walked in at the moment he said that. I ran up the stairs and fell on my bed bawling my eyes out. How could he say that. I mean Ya sure he was just covering up, but still. He shouldn't of said that.

"Cameron Alexander Dallas. Why did you do that? You never treat your sister that way. And I mean never. You should be ashamed of yourself." I heard mom telling him.

**Cameron POV**

The boys finally got here. But I got busy and forgot to tell Meggan they were here. We were in the kitchen getting something to eat when Taylor says "Um... Cam. You got a crazy fan in your house."

Confused, I turn around to see Meggan. Both of our eyes go wide and so do Nash's. She mouthed a sorry to me. But instead of being a real brother and introducing her to them I just said "I'm sorry, but we aren't supposed to have crazy fans in here. We need you to leave." I instantly regretted it when I saw the hurt look in her eye. I was about to say something when mom came in. "Cameron!! How could you say that to your own little sister!!!" Mom said. Meggan took of crying running up to her room. I could hear her bawling. I feel like the worst brother ever.

""Cameron Alexander Dallas. Why did you do that? You never treat your sister that way. And I mean never. You should be ashamed of yourself." Mom said.

"I do. Gosh I'm the worst brother ever. She's never gonna forgive me.

"Cameron, when did you get a little sister? Why didn't you tell us?" I heard Matt say.

"14 years ago. And I didn't want her having to deal with hate." I said sighing feeling the tears forming.

"Does everyone not know?" Taylor asked. I shook my head no. "Who else knew?" "Nash. But that's it. He found out in accident." Both of us nodding.

"So you mean, this whole time we came over, she was up in her room hiding?" Taylor asked. I nodded my head yes. "Either that or at her friends house."

"Bro, you could've told us. We would've tried protecting her. With how hot she is, she doesn't deserve to be hurt." Taylor said. "Don't you ever call her hot Taylor. You mess with her, you mess with me. And yes she doesn't deserve it. That's why I've been hiding her. I should've just told you. Half of her 14 years of life was wasted being spent hiding. I'm a terrible brother." I put my head down in my hands. Nash patted my back.

"Bro, you gotta go talk to her." Matt said. "I can't though. She probably doesn't even want to see me." "Just go try. If she doesn't, come get us and we'll help."

I nodded my head and went up to her room. I could hear her bawling through the door. I hate seeing her like this. I knocked on the door.

"Leave me alone Cameron. I never want to talk to you again."

Cameron Dallas' little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now