Chapter 7

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By the way, this is the next day.

"LIAR!!!" I screamed from the kitchen. Everyone got quite. I decided not to say anything else and ran to my room. I changed out of my clothes and changed into Jean shorts, a teal colored short sleeve shirt, and black and pink VANS socks. I threw my hair up in a messy ponytail. (Outfit on top or the side)

I forgot my phone downstairs. Of course. I go downstairs to the movie room quietly. I see all the boys huddled on the couch looking at something. I realized it was my phone.

"Oh shit!! Taylor, I told you not to post this. We gotta keep it away from her. If she sees this she'll be broken." Cam said.

"Keep what away from me?" I asked nervous yet annoyed that they were looking at my phone.

They turned around with a look in their eyes. "Someone answer me please?"

"Nothing. We weren't talking about you." Nash said. "You guys are all liars. I heard what you said. Just please give me my phone and I'll leave."

He didn't hand it to me. He knew what I was about to do and took off running. "Cameron!!!! Give me my phone!!!" I yelled chasing him around the house.

"No!!!!" He said still running. He ran out the door with me following and the boys following me. He was fast, but I knew I could catch him. He ran down a couple of blocks and ran across the street. I started running across the street when I stepped in a pothole and rolled my ankle. I fell down hissing in pain. I was crying.

"MEGGAN!!!!" I heard Virgo say, running towards me. I just saw that I fell I front of her house so she probably saw me through the window.

I sat up and held my ankle crying. "CAMERON!!! NASH!!! GET OVER HERE!!" Virgo said. Cameron comes over mumbling stuff to himself. Nash comes running over asking if I was ok. "It hurts Nash. Really badly. I think I rolled it." I shut my eyes tight. I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I look and see Nash picking me up.

"Come on. We need to get her to the hospital." He said. We go inside and get me some shoes first then go out to the car, but it wasn't big enough for all of us. So some had to sit in each other's lap. I was sitting on Nash's lap, Virgo on Taylor's, Hayes in between all of us, Cameron was driving and Matt was sitting in the passenger seat. Once we got settled, we headed to the hospital. On the way there, Virgo introduced herself to everyone.

My foot still hurts, and I'm still crying but with quiet sobs. Nash is rubbing my back to calm me down. He's been doing that since he met me when I would freak out or something. I finally started calming down after awhile but tears would still go down my face when we would hit a bump.

We finally got to the hospital. Nash carried me in since it still hurts. "Can we get her foot checked out? We think she rolled it." He said to the desk lady.

"Yes, we just need you to fill out these papers and we'll get a doctor as soon as we can." She said handing Cameron the paper work.

We sat down and Cam filled out the paperwork and turned it in to the lady.

After 10 minutes, a nurse walks out. "Meggan Dallas?" I tried standing up, but couldn't walk. Hayes comes over and picks me up with his strong arms. "Let me help Ya." I smiled and he smiled back. We all walked over to the nurse. "That's me." I said still in Hayes arms. "Are all of you coming?" She asked looking at all 7 of us. They nodded their head. "Ok. Follow me please." We followed into a room. "You can set her on the chair." She said to Hayes. He nodded his head and carefully set me down on the chair. "Thank you." I said to him smiling. "No problem." he said smiling back.

"Ok, so what seems to be the problem?" She asked me.

"I think I rolled my ankle."
"What did you do to make you think that?" She asked while taking my blood pressure.
"Well, I was chasing my brother trying to get my phone back and he ran outside with me following him. He crossed the street and so did I, but I accidentally stepped in a pothole and fell. And it hurts really bad." I said while she nodded her head.

"Mind if I take a look?" She asked pointing towards my foot. I shook my head no and she lifted it up. I squeezed my eyes shut from the pain of it being lifted. I feel someone grab my hand. I look over and see Cam standing there being a good brother. 😂😂

"It looks swollen. We'll have to see what the doctor thinks. He'll be here shortly." She said gathering her stuff. "Thank you." I said before she left.

"How Ya doing?" Cam asked me. "Better but it still hurts." "I bet it does."

After a few mintues, the doctor came in. My favorite doctor did anyways. Me and him are really close. Even though he's like either in his 30s and I'm 14.

"Nice to see Ya again Meggan." "Hi Dr. Kimball." I said smiling.

"What are you in here for this time?"
"I think I might have rolled my foot while chasing after Cameron trying to get my phone." He chuckled after that. "Ah, siblings. Gotta love them." He said while checking out my foot.

"You're ankle is pretty swollen. You're gonna have to put a brace on it for awhile. But go easy on it. Okay?" He asked grabbing a brace. "Okay." I said back.
(TFIOS!!! 😂😂😂)

He put the brace on for me. "You're good to go. Be careful next time Meggan." He said after putting it on. "I will. Thank you."

After that, we left. I got my phone back but wasn't really on it much. We all just hung out at the house. All 7 of us.


Hope you guys enjoy!!

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