Jess, he's gone

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One day Jug decided to take her out to dinner for their wedding anniversary everything was going wonderful and after dinner, Jess wanted to go to the willow tree with Jughead: It has been a very long time since she last saw it! It was placed in town in memory of Emily from her classmates as Emily loved willow trees.

As they were walking down the sidewalk, Jug had this strong sense that someone was after Jess so he shield her and so far it was good until Jug had the urge to push Jess in a dark corner and the last thing she heard him say:

"If you are looking for Jess, you will have to go through me!"

Next minutes were gunshots nonstop as Jess was scared so she called 911 and FP answered.

"State your emergency?"

Jess realized it FP and said.

"I think Jug got hurt. He pushed me into this dark corner and all I hear is gunshots!"

The truck drove away and everything went calm.

"I'm going to see what going on."

She hung up and in a weak voice Jug said.

"Jess? Are you ok."

Jess breathe for a moment as she was grateful to hear his voice before turning around.


She turned around and looked at her husband crawling over and rest his head on her lap as he said.

"The Ghoulies was after you."

Jess was scared Jug was bleeding and she tries to keep him alert, as her world was shattering as she tearfully screamed.

"Oh my goodness, Jughead!"

Jess was trying her hardest to stop the bleeding before the ambulance came. Thinking she had done enough to keep him stable, at this point she didn't care about her gown being stained. Jug looked at Jess stroking her hair.

"Babe, I love you. I guess this is goodbye. You are always my Serpent princess and queen! A wonderful wife and mother to our kids and Godkids."

Jess said silencing him quoting Belle from Beauty and the Beast her favorite movie.

"Don't talk like that, everything is going to be fine you'll see."

She says.

"You got through every shooting and this one it will be ok."

Jug smiled.

The ambulance came and they took jug. FP drove with Jess, knowing that she could not drive their car so he called Kevin's dad, Chief Keller took FP's police car. In the car, Jess was shocked and stunned with everything that happened as she could not talk not even to her own father in law even though she wanted to. FP noticed and said holding her hand as if Matt told him to.

"It will be ok, Jess breathe."

Jessica breathe through the whole ride and just silently prayed. When they got to the hospital they had her in the waiting room as Jellybean, Veronica, Marie came in and just sat with Jess. As for Jellybean, on the one hand she was worried about her big brother, but was really concerned about Jessica.  Hours and hours and hours passed and Jess was increasingly worried, as she could not imagine what her dad went through every time her mom had surgery. Then a nurse came and moved them into the family room and FP knew right away same with Jellybean as she stayed strong for Jess. 

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