So Veronica and Marie were due at the same time and Jessica has been supportive of them throughout their pregnancies. Jess has been going back and forth since 2 am in the morning checking in on both of them and she hasn't got to take a break but she wanted to be there for them since they have been there for her.
Jughead was amazed of his wife just going back and forth from each room making sure V and Marie needed anything.
"Babe, take it easy."
Jess said.
"I know but I'm doing them a return favor."
As the hours went by FP decided to check on his daughter in law as he support everyone.
"Hey Jess."
Jess was exhausted.
FP see it in her face she is tired.
"I know you are trying to be there you need to take a break."
Jess sighed. FP got a hospital room and Jess didn't want to rest, but he laid her down and cuddle with her like when she was younger and when she was a newborn and sang the song that Fred, Matt and FP sang as a lullaby. It was by Crosby, Still, Nash and Young Teach Your Children. FP sang while thinking of Matt and Fred as he remembered singing to her with them.
"You, who are on the road,
Must have a code
That you can live by.
And so become yourself
Because the past is just a goodbye.Teach your children well.
Their father's hell
Did slowly go by.
And feed them on your dreams.
The one they pick's the one you'll know by.Don't you ever ask them, "Why?"
If they told you, you would cry.
So, just look at them and sigh,
And know they love you.[Verse in the background:]
Can you hear and do you care
And can't you see
We must be free
To teach your children
What you believe in,
Make a world that we can live in?And you, of tender years,
Can't know the fears
That your elders grew by.
And so please help them with your youth.
They seek the truth
Before they can die.Teach your parents well.
Their children's hell
Will slowly go by.
And feed them on your dreams.
The one they pick's the one you'll know by.Don't you ever ask them, "Why?"
If they told you, you would cry.
So, just look at them and sigh
And know they love you."Jess quietly yawn as he sang and she drifted into sleep as FP gently pulled her close as he ended the song and he whispered.
"Sweet dreams, Princess."
Couple hours later Jughead knew Jessica would not want to miss the birth of Marie and Veronica child so he ran to get her knowing his father texted the room number. When he came in, he couldn't help but smile at the sight as he had a childhood photo of his wife with FP in the exact position and Instagrammed.
SerpentsPrince: that was then, this is now. Touched my heart to see the two resting as I begged my girl to rest and Dad knew what to do. I knew Dad missed this simple time with her as he literally did this when she was a baby through toddler years. #hisheartisfull @serpentprincessx🐍 Sorry Baby I had to post.
He gently stroke her hair and kissed her forehead.
"Hi love." Jughead whispered.
Jess sleepily mumbled.
"Jug how is everyone?"
Jug couldn't believe despite the fact she slept, her mind was on them.
"They need you it now labor time."
She sat up and stretch a bit.
"Best sleep I had in awhile."
FP smiled.
"You definitely needed it."
Jess hugged her father and admitted.
"Even though you're my father in law, you are definitely my Daddy and uncle since day one. I love you and I know my father would appreciate what you did moments ago."
FP teared up knowing ever since she was born, he definitely had honored her parents. Between he and Fred they both really were the father figure to her.
"I'm always going to be there for you no matter what." FP confessed.
So Veronica and Archie had a little girl Emily Marie Andrews and Jess and jug were asked to be godparents and they accept. Then at 5 Joaquin and Marie had a boy named Joaquin Desanto Jr. Jess and Jug were godparents.

The Serpent Princess
FanfictionJughead Jones was frustrated after Betty broke their relationship. Couple years passed and a new student comes to Riverdale High and Jughead is captivated by this young lady. Can Jughead could win her heart and make her his Princess? The Serpents le...