Fred called to the stand and Jess prayed for her Dad for this was her fear. For context: when she started dating Josh, Matt kept saying that Fred needs to meet him and her response to that was. "No Daddy, not today we can let Godaddy meet him another time."
Jessica lawyer said.
"How you know Jess?"
Fred said.
"I'm best friends with her father Mathew Martin, Jess is basically my Goddaughter but now she officially my daughter."
The lawyer continues.
"Have you seen Josh before, the man who shot you or frightened your daughter?"
Fred took a good look at him. Deep down: Kristina dreaded this moment as her words Meet him another time has come to bite her-for so long, she knew that Fred wouldn't never approve Josh and tell her Dad. Eventually she didn't tell Fred about this till she was in college.
"Never in my life. I hate him for terrorizing my angel for so long I swear I hope Matt and Emily come to haunt you in prison."
The lawyer asked.
"What is the most difficult thing for you to witness other than the loss of her parents?"
Fred sighed.
"When Jess got shot. That broke me when I got the call from my son and when I saw her in a coma in her hospital room, I did fell apart because I did witnessed everything she has overcome despite what the doctors told us what she would never do. To see that she worked hard to walk and achieve so much erased away all because of a man shot her 3 times. I admit to my son, Archie that I did failed my best friend and Archie says she will make new milestones. I was fearing that she would passed away and I would lose a piece of my best friend especially my wife Mary is best friends with Emily."
He sobbed.
Jessica had tears in her eyes as she listened. Her lawyer turned to Jess.
"That got to be hard to hear that?"Jess mouthed.
Fred continues.
"But I achieved witnessing Jess first new milestone which is that she woke up on Father's Day that was everything to me only to find out she wanted to cuddle with me."
Showing a photo of the two of them napping. Everyone laughed.
The judge said.
"Those beds in the hospital are uncomfortable huh, Jess?"
Jess agreed.
Earlier in the trial, the attorney said to Josh.
"So you basically showed up to her school and randomly shot her?"
Josh nodded.
"And leave her for dead."
At Josh's statement, William screamed in anger as Michelle, his mom try to calm him down. This is how much hatred he had for Josh from day one and Jess knew but to hear that scream, it broke Jess. That why she struggled to tell him when she first got hurt and made it sound minimal as possible when that wasn't the case. She wanted to protect him from the reality of the incident.
William is called to the stand and he was angry.
"Sorry for the scream your honor."
He started his testimony strong and cherished his friendship with Jessica.
"I have known Jess since we were kids in NY and we recovered from surgeries, defy the odds when the doctors didn't think that we would achieve in anything or in life because of our disabilities. I have Muscular Dystrophy and she has Cerebral Palsy. She's my best friend, Your Honor."
Jess smiled.
He got serious.
"Now Joshua I can't stand this man. Even when they started dating and Jess introduced me to him, I just had this odd sinking feeling about him couldn't shake it off. I didn't know how to tell Jess, but she was so happy at the time and just wanted me to meet him. As a friend, I gave him my blessing, but gave him a stern don't you hurt my friend. That's how uneasy I felt about him. Her Dad was happy and I just knew what I would have said to her dad would have broke him. I thought about chatting with Fred as well but didn't know if Fred met him but it obvious he had not met him till now. I decided to give him a chance, but everything I feared for her unraveled so fast. She would come to school bruise up and shaking but maintain the act like everything good, I'm fine he just mad had a few drinks. I knew deep down she feared him so badly. There were days in school where she napped a lot cause of her nightmares. She wasn't her bubbly self either and that broke me."
Will teared up at the memory.
"Damn, I said I wouldn't cry."
Jess tear up as she remembers the act she put up to Will and understood where's he coming from.
Archie and Jughead felt horrible for him and asked the Judge if they could hugged him since they experience this with Jess too minus the act.
The Judge said.
The two went up and hugged him as they sobbed.
"We know what you mean she had the exact same experience with us everything except the act. You heard our testimonies but just hearing it from your POV breaks our hearts and we honestly feel your pain for what you witnessed with Jess."
Jug said as Archie agreed.
On the way back to their seats, Jug and Archie hugged Jess as she teared up from hearing Will's memories, remembering the act she put on saying it and they wipes away her tears.
William continued.
"I had hope for her going back to Riverdale she will be safe and sound plus be away from Josh. Life was good she's happy and made friends, I met all of her friends at her 21st birthday. Then I received word from my mom that...."
He took a breath.
"Sorry....that she's was hurt at school made it sound minimal that it wasn't that bad as it was only Jess's request for my sake. It obvious that she was protecting me. Momma knew the real details from Fred and kept it from me. Just hearing what truly went down at school in this courtroom today, I can see why Jess did it. If I didn't have MD, I would kill him myself."
Jess teared up as it was so true for he seen it all.
Josh admits.
"I have seen what this man put her through and he needs to stay in jail for life."
Afterward in the hallway, Jess sees Will and said.
"I'm sorry I didn't want you to know. I made it sound minimal to protect you, but your mother knew. I love you, Will."
William understood she knew him well.
"I love you too, sis. Thank you for sparing me the details. If you did told me, I would have lost my Sugar Honey Iced Tea and kill him myself for you, but going to jail would break my mom."
Jess smiled.
"I know you would, just include Archie and Jug in that jail cell as well. They have my back and can't stand him after telling them what I endured the first time. By the way, I don't know if a jail cell is accessible for you, but I am glad you thought about the consequence for the sake of your mom."

The Serpent Princess
FanfictionJughead Jones was frustrated after Betty broke their relationship. Couple years passed and a new student comes to Riverdale High and Jughead is captivated by this young lady. Can Jughead could win her heart and make her his Princess? The Serpents le...