A Miracle is Born

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Jess has been enjoying every moment of her pregnancy watching her belly grow and feeling the movements and kicks you name it. Jughead has been very protective of Jess as the baby grew as he enjoys seeing his wife smiles and making sure she is comfortable.

After 9 months of waiting Jess has been experiencing contractions since 2 am. Jug got her in the car and they picked up everyone on the way to the hospital they went. When they got there the hospital staff were admitting her in but before heading to the room Archie said.


Jess made Jug wheeled her to Archie. Veronica watch the siblings have their moments as she knew what Archie had for his sister.

"Yeah Archie?"

He gave her some photos for her room so that Fred, Matt and Emily were with her.

"Oh Archie!"

The two hugged and he said.

"If you need anything tell V and I am right here along with your father in law, uncle FP."

FP was excited.

"If you need anything me and the boys got you 100."

The Serpents agreed.

Jess nodded as she hugged Archie and FP.


Archie then said.

"Try to get some rest in between contractions. I have done research for the moment and I wanted to make sure you have a nice comfortable experience as you and Jug welcome your child."

Jess kisses his forehead.

"I will try."

Jughead and Jess were heading to catch the elevator and before she went in she said.


Archie looked up nervously as he now understand after all these years about his dad being worried for Jess.


Jess smiled.

"I love you."

Archie smiled.

"I love you too."

and as she got settled in the room, the nurses were monitoring every contractions and they only allow a couple people in the room so she had Mary, Gladys, Jug, Marie and Veronica. Hours after hours at some point during contractions, Jess was beyond tired and some of the staff wouldn't let Jess rest for she been up since 2 am! some of the staff were on Jess side knowing that she need to rest. The nurses transferred her into a pool and Jess groaned as another contraction hit and she was tired as Veronica said.

"Do you want me to bring anything?"

Jess admit as she groan and leaning against the pool.

"Can you bring Archie? It been quite awhile now and I haven't seen him since we got into the hospital."

One of the angry staff heard this and said.

"No more people can come!"

Veronica and Marie had enough dealing with some of the staff's crap as Marie wanted to kick them out and Veronica stood up for her future sis in law as she held back tears.

"You know what? some of you have some nerve! My best friend and future sister in law has been up since 2 am and she is exhausted! Marie and I are trying to keep her comfortable as she's expecting her first child and right now, she needs her brother! Some of you should be fired and never take this job."

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