You Did WHAT?

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Jughead was excited about his date at Pop's with Jess since she never experienced Pop's. He asked Pop to make it special ahead of time. As he walked out to pick up Jess from therapy, he bumped into Betty.

"Hey!" She smiled.

Jughead said.

"What do you want?"

Betty said.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I did to you."

Jughead took a deep breath anxious for a cigarette somewhere in his pocket knowing Jess was given some in case she needed it the most he responded.

"You are sorry? You don't know the magnitude the hell you put me through. YOU BROKEN ME!"

Betty said.

"So I needed a change!"

Jughead said.

"So what are you saying you want me back?"

As he fumbled for a cigarette and found it then lit it taking it in to relax.

"Yes." She said.

Jughead replied.


He starts walking away as Betty jealousy hit her causing her to confess said.

"I DID IT! I contacted Josh!"

Jughead froze.


Betty looked down.

"Before you two dated I got to hear of Jess's past and the abuse she went through. I was heartbroken and sorry till you fell in love with her. I was envious so I found Josh online and contacted him and he showed up that day in Riverdale when you got hurt."

Jughead was angry.

"That day you have put her through so much pain. It was the hardest thing I ever witnessed she was gonna leave Riverdale but I convince her to stay. YOUR PLAN ALMOST TOOK ME BACK TO THAT PLACE I WAS IN!"

He paused.

"You confront Jess and tell her because I don't have the heart."

He walked away and walked all the way to PT. When he got inside, Jessica was almost done with her session looking proud but exhausted for the day she was balancing and walking in her walker. Jessica sees Jug and waved excitedly as it is the first time Jug sees her walking and he is so proud. Once she was done, she wheeled to Jug and he said.

"Hey babe you were amazing."

He kissed her forehead.

"Are you hungry? I know a perfect diner."

Jess tiredly nodded.

"Yes I'm hungry tired but hungry."

Jughead kissed her just so blessed that he is with her now. He bundled her up for the cold as he noticed as she say she always falls asleep in the weirdest moments. Within  seconds she could barely keep her eyes open.

"I'm so sleepy."

She mumbled thinking Jug didn't hear. Jug instantly grab a pillow and position Jess with the help of her PT, Chrissy showed Jug how to tilt the chair back a bit as Jess's head hit the pillow so she could sleep. Jug thanked Chrissy, kissed Jess's cheek as she was tuckered out cold and unlocked her brakes.

"Off to Pop's to go."

He wheeled her all the way to Pop's and checked on her as she slept making sure she's comfortable.

"We're almost there."

Jess sleepily nodded thankfully cause she didn't want to sleep all day.

They made it to Pop's and Jessica was happy that she got to rest a bit but felt bad for Jug.

"Sorry Baby."

Jughead said while position her chair and take off her jacket.

"It ok. You need your rest."

Pop introduce himself to Jessica and made it all nice for the two of them with the table decoration.

"What would you like?"

"Chocolate milkshake and hamburger with fries. Babe?"

Jughead got the same. They had a ball and Pop's became Jess favorite place.

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