Jug decided to take her out to dinner In New York at her favorite Italian restaurant to celebrate her 21st but it ended up being a huge surprise celebration.
"Boy I'm hungry."
Jughead says as a cue for everyone to be in position to surprise her as they went into a private party room.
Jess wheeled in and everyone yelled.
Jess was speechless and was happy to see everyone. In particular, she was shocked to see William, her childhood bestie since the two were at the age of 2 show up to this celebration with his fiancee, Sarah. William immediately wheeled over and embrace her.
"JESSIE! You are finally legal."
Jessica said.
"Will, oh my gosh so happy that you show up!"
After a few conversation, she turned to Jug.
"What in the heavens?"
Jug kisses her cheek.
"Happy Birthday, my love!"
Jess said.
"Babe you did this?"
Jughead said.
"For months I have been planning nonstop with my dad, Archie, your dad who's definitely happy to see you reach this milestone. One of the reasons why I asked are you free this week? Knowing you focus with homework during the weekend."
Jess felt very touched by everything Jug did.
"Aw Baby."
The two kissed except the moment was interrupted by Fang.
"Sorry to break up the love fest, Jughead but Jess, are you going to order your first legal drink? Your Dad and brother are waiting."
Jess looked at the drink menu.
"So many choices...um...babe what would you pick?"
Jughead says.
"Whatever you choose?"
Jess says.
"Corona my dad's favorite since I always wondered what so good about it."
Turn out Fred and Archie buys the first drink for Jess.
"Happy 21st, my angel!"
Fred says as he kissed her cheek and Archie hugged her.
Jughead said so everyone can toast.
"May we raise our drink to the most beautiful person in the world. Happy 21st Birthday, Jessica we can't imagine our lives without you and credit to Matt and Emily, thank you for blessing your daughter with us!"
Jess tear up and Jug hugged her then she has her first sip with the help from Fred.
"What do you think of your first beer?" Archie asked excitedly as he recorded the moment.
Jess said remembering her father Matt fondly sipping on his corona from when he and Fred first turn 21.
"So good now I can see why my dad and your father has loved it so much. It has a nice taste to it."
Fred said.
"I definitely remember during our 21st celebration you wanted some of our drink but I always move you to the soda section and the beer was forgotten but I made a promise to your dad as Godfather that I would buy you your first legal drink of whatever choice and of course you would choose Corona. You definitely are Daddy's girl with your choice."
Jessica smile.
Then everyone did watch home video of Jess and her family doing karaoke everyone laughed at each other moments like Fred Matt singing some songs, Mary and Emily then FP and Gladys singing. Karaoke is the Martins family tradition and everyone turned to Jessica.
"I guess I'm first."
She sang The Road Less Traveled and Any Man of Mine.
Then everyone else went.
Jug sang Heaven by Kane Brown which gave Jess the chills as he knew she loved country but he doesn't.
"Country it suits your voice, Babe."
Jug kissed her forehead and helped Jess with another sip of beer.
Then it was the parents turn FP sang The Weekend by Brantley Gilbert which blew Jug's mind.
When it got to Fred he thought of Matt's favorite karaoke song: Garth Brooks The Dance. Jess could see her father was thinking of doing it, but he was about to change it when Jess said after he wheeled toward him.
"It ok, Daddy. I would love to hear your take on it."
With that encouragement he did.
"Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared beneath the stars above
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known you'd ever say goodbye
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd have to miss the dance
Holding you I held everything
For a moment wasn't I the king
But if I'd only known how the king would fall
Hey who's to say you know I might have changed it all
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance."Fred sang it so beautifully that it gave Archie and Jess chills. Fred looked at Jess as she smiled. He did it justice.
They all had cake. For Jess it is the best birthday ever.
At the hotel Jess and Jughead were out of it from drinking had alone time as Jughead kissed her and two watched tv on the couch until they fell asleep. Archie came back with Veronica as they share a room with Jughead and jess and Archie wanted to take a picture for dad to see how she looked after drinking to remember her 21st Birthday.
Jughead knew Archie is right next door and texted.
What up?
Archie explains.
Dad wanted a photo of Jess with how she looks after drinking to remember her 21st.
Jessica sleepily mumbled.
"Turn the phone off."
Jughead texted.
She is tucked out.
He quietly took a photo.
He tagged Archie and Fred on insta.
Serpentsprince: Happy 21st Baby. Tucked out after 4 beers.

The Serpent Princess
FanfictionJughead Jones was frustrated after Betty broke their relationship. Couple years passed and a new student comes to Riverdale High and Jughead is captivated by this young lady. Can Jughead could win her heart and make her his Princess? The Serpents le...