After music therapy Veronica and Jess walked to the hospital cafeteria and sat down to take a break from everything that happened. Veronica could sense Jess struggling with the pain she is carrying ever since then.
"I'm so proud of how you confronted the doctor and I know it was difficult I bet."
Jess said.
"You have no idea but deep down I knew it would not even bring my mom back or everyone."
Veronica said.
"I'm deeply sorry and heartbroken for your loss of your Aunt and Uncle John and Joanna. At your wedding, they were the sweetest people and John oh my goodness he wanted to make sure you were happy and pleased with the reception decorations. He kept saying between calls as you were doing your hair or makeup was everything has to be perfect for our niece! I thought I was chatting with the White Rabbit from Alice in the Wonderland, poor thing he was so nervous but I assured him that you will be pleased and he relaxed."
Jess chuckled at the White Rabbit comparison picturing John shaking and chatting with Ronnie.
"Yeah that was definitely Uncle John. Every time I hit a milestone or an achievement happened, he gets like that because he wishes my mom was here."
Veronica teared up not even realizing it back then.
"Oh my if I had known that, I wished I had said that your mother is with all of us today. Would that even relaxed him?"
Jessica said.
"It depends whether Joanna, Daniella or myself say it. Like I said he carried that pain for as long I can remember. Remember how he came in the bridal room, and he noticed me for the first time?"
Veronica nodded. Jess continues.
"Poor guy I thought he was going to break down at that first sight, but he held it together. Looking back, I didn't realize how much I truly resembled my mother."
She took out her cell and showed photos side by side of Emily and herself.
"Check this out. I found this photo on my parent's wedding day of my mom and look at myself on jug and my wedding day isn't it crazy?"
Ronnie looked at the comparison and was floored she thought she was going to be passing out.
"Oh my goodness no wonder John looked like he had seen a ghost when he came in."
Jess said.
"I heard him whispering Emily before he came in that broke me to pieces until I had said Uncle John and he relaxed saying oh Jess! You look gorgeous. Your mother would be so proud!"
Veronica said.
"I remember looking at your Aunt and Daniella wondering if they would gently walked him into the room and gently say something like isn't she beautiful your niece, Jess! Yes she does look like Emily. Then I did not want that to be on tape for you to have and remember."
Jess appreciated Ronnie looking out.
Jughead and Archie came in and sat with Jess on both side they had noticed that Jess been sobbing.
"Rough day?" Jughead asked.
Jess just nodded just tired as if everything drained her. Veronica said.
"You both had to be there when she had learned about mom's chemo treatment update. Jess told the doctor off, she left him completely speechless. Jughead you would've had to hold her back in the beginning but your parents held her and told her to breathe."
Veronica played the video for the two to watch. As Archie and Jughead watched, it was like everything Jess held back just came out and watched the expression on the drs face change with each word. When she did mention the people she lost then John and Joanna they were shocked knowing that they were from her mom side, they paused the video.
Jughead asked.
"When did you find out?"
Jess sighed.
"This morning. Daniella called and she said can we talk and I said yes what up? She then said that they were shot and I asked are they ok spill it explaining that I'm staying strong for Godmom and she then confirmed that they had passed and my heart sunk deep down and I just scream no no Dani don't play with me Uncle John and Aunt Joanna are ok. Daniella knew what I meant when I had said that. She knew my fear about losing a piece of my family."
Jughead shake his head in shock and Archie was speechless as he was lost for words. Veronica cover her mouth in shock as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Gosh Jess, you can't catch a break." Archie said.
Jess said.
"Please come to the funeral when the time come? I don't think I can do it on my own."
Veronica and Archie promised.
"Definitely. We love you so much!"
Then they continue the video it had got to her feelings about Archie.
Gosh my heart is breaking for Archie my biggest fear for him was going through what I DID! As his sister, I had been shielding the pain I had gone through for many damn years until his father passed! It not FAIR!"
Archie teared up as he heard her emotions and he hugged her. He always knew she would be there and have his back, but from day one he never understood Jess was doing everything to shield him from what she went through like that day when she came to the school and Fred was shot and now he understand how deeply she felt with not wanted him to go through it but it was literally happening with Mary. Veronica pauses the video and Archie said while hugging her and holding her.
"Thank you. I never realized how much this fear was getting to you especially looking back when dad got shot and the way you were in the car sobbing saying please Lord don't do this to Archie please watch over Fred I am asking from what I have experienced. Don't let him go. My heart was aching."
Jess said.
"The pain I carried everyday since my parents death is excruciating and over time when I lost everyone the pain gets heavy because like I said each and every one that knows my parents and knew them eased my pain."
It truly made sense to Archie and everyone. She added.
"I really didn't want you to experience it as I did and having the pain dig you in and you carrying it. From that time we figured out the relationship between our parents and with them being our godparents, I made a vow that I would shield you with the best of my abilities hence I was saying to the doctor. Gosh my heart is breaking for Archie my biggest fear for him was going through what I DID! As his sister, I had been shielding the pain I had gone through for many damn years until his father passed! It not FAIR!" I love you that much, Archie."
He sobbed and hugged her.
"I love you too, sis."
Then they went through the video at this point, the doctor was speechless and what she said to him about surviving cancer herself and how she wishes she take Mary and her mother to her drs that saved her twice, made Archie and Jug proud.
"ATTA GIRL you told him!"
Jughead said while kissing her forehead. Then Jess explains how she broke down afterwards at that point the memories of her mom and what she went through was heavy.
"Your parents and Veronica sat with me as I sobbed, Jug. Deep down I wished that she was here. On the positive note your dad was telling me how proud he was when I told the dr off."
Then they showed her music therapy session and Archie and Jug cried.
"That was beautiful."
Archie said.
As he watched her performance, Jug couldn't speak he felt his wife's pain as he wished he could bring them all back but he hugged her. Jess could see it in his face.
"It ok, Babe."
Jug said.
"That was beautiful."

The Serpent Princess
FanfictionJughead Jones was frustrated after Betty broke their relationship. Couple years passed and a new student comes to Riverdale High and Jughead is captivated by this young lady. Can Jughead could win her heart and make her his Princess? The Serpents le...