Jess was heading to class when she felt someone following her bringing it all back to when she was shot.
Just keep moving don't turn or anything.
She thought to herself. She almost made it to class when the bullet was going towards her and Jughead shield her as he ended up getting hurt.
Jess froze and felt traumatized by the memories of that day as she said.
"Jug are you ok?"
Marie sees Jughead groaned.
"This isn't good."
Jess turned around and sees him trying to get up.
"Oh Jug."
Fang got him and took him to the hospital and called FP.
At the hospital Jug didn't want to go to OR pleading his father to be at Jessica's side instead.
"No DAD no I don't want to!"
Thankfully Jess with the help from Archie and Fred she made it since Joaquin did convince her.
"Where is he?"
The nurse took her and she sees him frighten.
"I don't want to Dad."
he sobbed confessing.
"I don't want to be in a coma Jess has seen it all through Archie, her Dad it hurts to see her cry and I had to deal with it when she went through being in a coma."
Jess hugged him gently.
"I really appreciate the thought but your health is important and I don't wanna lose you for good."
FP agreed.
Jug kissed her for a long time.
"Thank you for saving me."
She said as he walked to the OR.
When Jug was in the room Jess sees him laying down on the table.
"I'm here love. I'm not leaving ok?"
Jug nodded.
In the waiting room Jess broke down as Archie and Fred consoled her. FP said as he hugged Jessica.
"He truly loves you so much."
Jess said.
"I just can't believe it. My heart stopped when I heard his groan. It was eerie similar to yours, Daddy when we did brought you to the hospital as we screamed for help."
Fred said.
"He will be ok, princess."
Archie felt defeated as a brother since the promise from high school has been broken again.
"I'm sorry sis."
Jessica knew what he was thinking.
"It is not your fault ok? Don't be too hard on yourself."
She kisses his forehead.
"Your the best brother ever! You have no idea how much I wanted a sibling. I probably begged my parents a hundred times for a sibling. I remember your dad and my dad would talk and I go up towards them like Dad can I have a brother or sister? Then your dad will encourage it and be like yeah dad? And together we're like."
Fred said.
"On the count of 3 ready? 1....2...3"
Together they said.
They smiled a cheesy smile!
Archie laughed so very hard.
"Did it work?"
Jessica said.
"No. Then in the end I have gained you!"
Archie hugged her.
Then the doctor came and FP said.
"Is my boy ok?"
The doctor explain that the surgery went well but he now is in a coma. Jessica sighed in frustration as Archie hugged her knowing she has to go through this familiar phase again.
"Breathe Sis."
They went to Jughead's hospital room. Jessica wheels up to him and just prayed as she fights back tears then when it was time to go, she said.
"Please fight. I love you!"
When she got into the car with the help from Archie, she broken down into tears and he had to comfort her.
"I know sis I know."
Fred felt helpless too and for the first time in the rear view mirror, he saw how broken Jessica is feeling as Archie described in court when his son testified against Josh explaining how broken she was when Fred got hurt.
"I know on the outside she was strong for Dad and I, but when we left the hospital later that night while I looked at her in the rear view mirror, she showed her true colors she was broken."
He now understood that moment in Archie's testimony: she was strong in front of Jug, him, FP and Archie being fine with everything, but as soon they walked out and placed her in the car, the emotions has been hitting her hard with full force that she literally is broken.
Jessica tearfully said.
"Let go back to campus."
Fred drove back to campus. When they got there they got her in the chair, Fred hugged her for a long time knowing she needed her dad as she sobbed again.
"It ok I'm here. Shh I'm here."
Each time Fred spoke Jessica became calm and Fred wiped away her tears.
"Feel better, sweetheart?"
Jessica smile Fred has the same coping mannerism as her own father did in order to be calm again.
"Thank you, Daddy. I am just feeling so many emotions that I just feel broken inside and this is exactly how I was with you when you were shot by Josh. One moment I have found you and the next moment I thought I was going to lose you for good. I stayed strong for Archie's sake cause I didn't want him to go through what I have been through."
Fred understood.
"If you need me I'm here. Archie is here too."
Jessica nodded.
"I'm going to bed."
Fred kissed her forehead.
"Sweet dreams."

The Serpent Princess
FanficJughead Jones was frustrated after Betty broke their relationship. Couple years passed and a new student comes to Riverdale High and Jughead is captivated by this young lady. Can Jughead could win her heart and make her his Princess? The Serpents le...