Single and Going to Europe

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As soon as I saw the messages, I didn’t even got to the bathroom, I stood exactly where I was, I called him, and I called him, and once again, but he never picked up the phone.

Completely desperate, I started putting all my staff back on my little bag, while leaving him a lot of voice messages, because I know he is not good at reading messages.

Mitch: *Scott I’m here I’ve always been here, you were supposed to call me but you never did, that’s why I never went.*

I was about to start crying, that is why I stopped recording the first voice mail. As I was changing my clothes, I drunk as much water as I could to wash my tears away I made a ball with my pyjamas; I called him one more time, but still he didn’t pick up the phone, so I left another voice mail.

Mitch: *I’m coming Scott, I’ll be here as soon as possible, I’m here for you, I promised, It was just a little misunderstanding. Scott, please call me if you hear this, I’m worried about you, please, Scott, please.*

I got to the front desk and I paid for everything, as fast as I could. The manager knew that I was in a hurry so she made it all as fasts as possible too. I thanked her for everything, and she gave me an envelope. As I left the hotel I run to my car as fast as I could.

I started driving in the direction of our house, never had the LA traffic seemed so slow to me, normally it is quite slow, but I felt that it was slower than usual.

Once I got into our street I couldn’t believe that I was almost there, I entered in our garage and I parked my car next to Scott’s, at least his car was here. I left everything inside my car, I took my phone and the keys, I locked the car and I run to our apartment as fast as I could. As I opened the door I screamed his name from the door. I got no answer. I slammed the door and run into his room. I opened his door but he was not there. I was starting to freak out. ‘Where the hell is he?’ I thought to myself. I screamed his name again ‘SCOTT’, still no answer.

I went to my room hopping that he had left me a note telling me where he was.

As I opened the door my legs lost all their strength and I felt on my knees. I couldn’t help it and I started crying…

He was lying on my bed, surrounded by a lot of empty bottles of different alcoholic drinks, and the kitchen’s trash can was next to my bed. Judging by the smell of my room it was full of Scott’s vomit.

Once I felt a little bit better because he was there, I started to be a little bit concerned hopping that he hadn’t done anything stupid.

I walked towards him very slowly praying, I guess, for him to be… just drunk. When I got to the side of the bed, I placed my two fingers over his carotid artery to check his vitals, they seemed normal to me.

He was just sweating and his forehead was burning hot. I went to my bathroom and I wet a couple of towels with cold water and I wring them out, I went back to where he was and I placed one on his forehead, and the other one over his shirtless torso.

The fact that he wasn’t waking up after calling him twice and placing the towels was driving me completely crazy, but before letting the panic control me, I decided to call Scott’s doctor.

He told me that I should make him lie on his side, then that I should try waking him to know if he had lost his conscience or he is just sleeping. Once he was awake, I should give him coffee and anything sugary to avoid hypoglycemia. If he didn’t wake up then I should could emergency.

Once I was able to make him lie on his side, I tried to wake him up. I tried shaking him, and calling his name, but nothing worked, so I used my last resort, I went to the kitchen and filled a glass of almost freezing water. I went back to the room, took a deep breath, got the 911 already on the phone, and on the count of three, I threw the glass of water on his face.

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