The mash-up game

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How am I supposed to react to this letter? He will be here in a couple of days... So, all I can do is... wait... wait... wait.


Ross: Hey, where is he?

Mitch: I don't know, Ross, I don't know...

Ross: Do you want me to come over?

Mitch: You don't have to... You don't deserve this. I'm calling you because I told you that I would. But I don't feel like going out, actually I don't feel like doing anything.

Ross: It is fine with me, cute smile. Have you eaten something since yesterday?

Mitch: Mmmm... actually... no, I haven't.

Ross: That's not ok. Take a shower and I'll be there in forty-five minutes.

Mitch: Ok.

Before jumping into the shower, which I didn't know I wanted or needed until Ross told me, I called Kirstin, Avi, Kevin, and Esther... They all said the same thing.

Kirstin: I don't know why he left, but you should probably talk to him when he is back. And don't worry about him; we know, for certain, he is doing great where he is.

Mitch: So he has talked to all of you but not to me... Did I do something? Why didn't he wait for me to come home, so we could talk and then, maybe, leave if that was what he wanted?

Kirstin: I don't know Mitch. That's why I am telling you that you should talk to him. This is the kind of conversation that you need to have with him, because he is the only one who can give you the answers.

Mitch: So, you know something...

Kirstin: Mitch. You know that I love you, right?

Mitch: Yes, I love you too.

Kirstin: Perfect. If there were something that you should worry about, I would be the first one to tell you. Please don't worry about him. He is just giving you what he thinks you need.

Mitch: Well... he's doing it fucking wrong!

Kirstin: Then, when he is back, tell him.

Mitch: I don't have anything to tell him. I'm not the one who left abandoning my best friend all by himself, without even giving an explanation!

Kirstin: Well, let's not be too melodramatic, he just left for two days to clear his mind, and he left you a note.

Mitch: I'm sorry, I'm just overwhelmed, I wasn't expecting this, it's something that I would do, but not Scott... What was he thinking? How could he think that I would be ok with this?

Kirstin: I don't know Mitch, I guess, he did what he thought was the best for you and perhaps for him too.

Mitch: For him? How?

Kirstin: Mitchy, dear. I'm so sorry, but I don't have the answers to your questions.

Mitch: I'm sorry K. I shouldn't be shouting at you. You haven't done anything wrong.

Kirstin: Don't worry about it, I understand. I would have reacted the same way if any of you would have done it to me. Maybe his intentions were good, but his methodology wasn't the best one.

Mitch: The hell it wasn't.

Kirstin: Can you make me a favor?

Mitch: Everything for you, you know that.

Kirstin: Can you, please, avoid coffee, until he's back; try to do something that would bring your mind out of this entire situation, and try to look at all this from his perspective. You know that he didn't do this to hurt you. Hurting you is the last thing that Scott wants.

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