Best friends

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to LoveMeSomeOTPs because of the support liking the previous one, it might seem silly, but I highly appreciate it. Thank you!

**When you see this** what I am trying to say is that the conversation is via text, not an oral conversation. 

Next morning I woke up scared as one can be with the sound of a fire alarm, I was so profoundly asleep and the noise was so loud that I just jumped out of bed, and my heart started pumping so fast that I thought it was at its limit. I had to stop and take a deep breath trying to calm down, and look for the logic response to this situation. As I was breathing out Scott came into my room blasting the door.  

Scott: Mitch, are you ok?

Mitch: Yes, get your things and let’s get out of here. Now!

I packed some things that I didn't want to lose like my laptop, my headphones, my record player, my phone, a picture of my parents wedding and a letter that Scott wrote me in high school.

I went to see why Scott was taking so long, and he was packing all of his clothes!

Mitch: Scott!! We don't have time for that! We have to get out!

I didn't smell any smoke, what made me think that maybe this was just a false alarm. But none the less we had to get out. When we got downstairs all of our neighbors were staring at our building, we were the last two to leave like the couple of divas we are with our golden travel bags full of our things.

It ended up being nothing, so we went back home, left all of our stuff, and we headed to Starbucks as we do every morning.

Even though the morning was quite nerve racking, the day went by pretty fast because of all the meetings, rehearsal, and a couple of hours of online shopping trying to make myself feel better. But it did not work.  I still had that terrible pain in my throat and in my chest. I had been in the verge to crying the whole day, and trying to control it in rehearsal was one difficult task.

So I thought that going out to a bar and getting drunk and maybe meeting the man of my life would help me. So I left. I googled, “best gay bars in LA”, I took an Uber and I ended up at Faultline Bar, in East Hollywood. I gave the bartender two fifty dollar bills and I told him to keep them coming.

After my third gin tonic, I was feeling nearly nothing, which I thought was what I wanted but actually it wasn’t that great of a feeling. I lied to myself telling me that I was feeling great, and that this numbness was going to last forever. Oh boy… wasn’t I wrong?

Right when my doubts were bothering me again, somebody put his arm around my waist hugging me from behind, and said to my ear (because the music was so loud that it was impossible to hear anything otherwise): ‘I’ve been watching you for the last thirty minutes, you’re the hottest boy I’ve ever seen, and I’d love to invite you to a drink, what you say?’.

He had a deep voice that made me smile. I turned around, and his looks were as good as his voice. He was six feet two, blond hair, blue eyes, and a pretty smile. There was something missing I couldn’t tell what it was… but he was good enough. I smile while biting my lower lip, and he lean down, again to my right ear, and he told me: ‘Stop biting your lip, please. That makes me want to bite it too, and… I am Chris by the way’  

Mitch: (I wrapped my arms around his neck and pull him close so I could get to his ear) Nice to meet you Chris, I’m Coby.

This was my chance to forget him.The quickest way to get over a man is to get under another… Not necessarily today, but on the long run.

I started making out with him. I let myself go, no thinking, just feeling. I concentrate all of my strength in memorizing the feeling of his soft lips on mine, the way in which he was embracing me. His left arm was at my waist at all times, controlling the inexistent distance between the two of us, and his right hand was slowly moving from the lower part of my back, climbing until my left shoulder, to end up touching my face.

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