Cloudy Sheep (Tsunomaki Watame x Reader)

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"Mmmmm..." It had been the seventh night in a row that you didn't get any sleep. It was at this point you've begun to regret signing on for the year-long education project, in which you would be sent over to Japan to learn how to be a translator.

Yes, the sights were amazing and the people you've met were some of the nicest people, but compared to your overwhelming sense of homesickness and insomnia? You'd rather be at home watching those very people on YouTube. You made the issue clear with the manager who you were under the care of, though they seem to think they have a solution.

It was around 11 PM when the door opened. You stirred up in your bed to see who it was that decided to enter.

"Sorry to disturb you..." You knew Watame's voice, though you only met her a few times. As she walked into your room, you noticed she was wearing some fuzzy wool pajamas, almost befitting of a humanoid sheep. "Manager said that you couldn't sleep?"

"Y-yeah..." You understood the basics of the Japanese language to carry a full conversation, so you managed to understand her... However, you weren't exactly sure why the manager sent one of his employees to you instead of getting you some medication.

"I can help you." She got onto your side of the bed. Her voice felt so soft on your ears. "May I?" She asked. You made some room on the bed as she pulled up the covers and laid down next to you. Immediately, you could feel the fuzzy cotton. You couldn't resist and wrapped your arms around her. She smiled and gave a soft giggle as she patted your head.

"This sheep is fluffy, fluffy. Her wool is lumpy lumpy. Watame is so soft, do do do do... Let's get to bed, right away, and then let's say goodnight..." She sang while you nuzzled into her soft clothes and warm body. You were placed in a state of total relaxation that, the moment you closed your eyes, you wiped out...


"Good morning..." You felt a soft hand on your back as your eyes slowly opened. You could see Watame, in her normal, sheep-like clothes, sitting on the bed and smiling. "You were a very deep sleeper."

"Nnn... How long was I asleep for?" You asked her.

"Almost a whole day. I think your body needed the sleep..." Watame said. You looked at the clock and, sure enough, it was around 8 PM.

"That sucks... Won't be able to get the hang of sleeping if I'm only waking up at night." You said. Watame shook her head.

"Actually, that might be a good thing. Some of us tend to do late night streams, so you could be able to help there." Watame got up after one more pat to the back. "I'll be doing one tonight if you need to spend your time on something." Throughout it all, she gave you a smile and, as she left, you began to highly consider her offer.

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