Under Her Wing (Yang Xiao Long x Reader)

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Your body shook as your instructor walked down, having just finished analyzing the weapon of the student next to you. You readied them as he walked to you. Two, large, shiny silver boxing gloves, each the size of a bowling ball, encompassed and covered your fists. You entered a boxing pose to show him how you'd use said weapon.

"Hm... Good choice for melee." He tilted his head to look at the weapon some more. They were simply shiny silver gloves. There weren't any sort of chambers to suggest it had an alternative mode. "Tell me, have you put any thought into what sort of gun it could be?"

"W-well..." You stammered. To be fair, you have put some thought into a ranged attack, but you decided to explain to him. "Bullets were expensive to upkeep and I doubt the tension with Atlas will let up any time soon, so Dust will also be expensive. So I compromised by installing those Semblance Enablers you gave us into the gloves." You said. The teacher simply chuckled and with a press of a button on his remote, moved the boxing bag that had been fired upon by countless students over to you.

"Why don't you demonstrate then?" He asked. You nodded. Your arms trembled a little, but you remembered the words your tutor gave you. Your arms steadied as you remembered her beauty. Your breathing even calmed. You were ready.

With one punch, you created a force that pulled in the boxing bag, unhooking it onto the latch it was on. You pulled back the arm, as if you were actually pulling the bag. With one punch from you other hand, you created a huge wave of repulsing energy that pushed back the bag so far back it slammed into the wall, creating a loud thud that made some of the younger students jump. You panted a bit as you looked to the teacher for approval.

"Very clever implementing your own Semblance instead of relying on bullets and Dust. But remember, even if you can replenish it in time, Aura is also a finite resource." He patted you on the shoulder. You smiled. This was perhaps the first time that the famous teacher Taiyang Xiao Long had given you praise. Before, he simply criticized you and gave you less than passable grades in your training. You allowed the gloves to transform into an inactive mode: two silver bracelets that fitted around your wrist. Taiyang simply glanced at them. A chill went up your spine as he frowned for a moment, then smiled and moved to the next student. You sighed.


Once the weapon examinations were done, the class was dismissed. However, before you left, Taiyang pulled you to the side. You feared this would happen from the moment he saw your bracelets. There was no doubt in his mind that you based your weapon off your tutor's weapon.

"So..." Taiyang broke the awkward tension in the air. "My daughter's been teaching you well, huh?" He asked. You nodded with a faint smile. You had heard some rumors regarding Taiyang being overprotective of his two daughters and you worried that he'd castrate you within a heartbeat.

Instead, he just grinned and patted you on the shoulder.

"I think I made a good decision having her teach you. She's actually feeling a lot better than she was a few months ago. I thank you for that." He said.

"You're welcome." You said. You restrained from saying how you enjoyed her presence or how she's beautiful. You just took the compliment as Taiyang left. You walked out of the class as well.


You walked along the beaches of Patch, counting down the remaining weeks until you graduate from Signal Academy. The system for the academy had changed since Beacon fell to Grimm. Signal was still a combat school for the Huntsmen, but upon graduation, it along with the Patch Island became a headquarters for them. Huntsmen are regularly sent to the main districts of Vale to not only fight Grimm but also take back and rebuild districts long lost to the Grimm, with the eventual goal being to take back Beacon. Your 'initiation', so to speak.

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