Little Match Girl (Natsuki x Reader)

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Snow fell slowly to the ground as the cold nipped at your exposed face. You shivered as you walked with Natsuki on the street. You volunteered to help her gather supplies for baking cookies for the Christmas party that your literature club will have.

Rather than stop at one shop and pick up everything, you were walking all over town, picking up eggs from one shop, flour from another, icing from another... It was hectic to say the least. But there was method to the madness. Natsuki insisted on the different shops since all of them have different prices. Soon, you noticed that five dollar eggs here, two dollars icing there, and one dollar per fifty kilograms of flour at the bulk shop were doing wonders on the budget.

Though... You still had to wonder why you're still doing the long treks long after you got the last item on the list. Your feet were beginning to hurt, and your face began to feel numb. You stopped outside of a toy store where Natsuki stood, looking at the window. She frowned as you noticed a large cat plushie.

"Would you want that for Christmas?" You asked her. She instantly blushed and turned her head away.

"N-no! At least not from you, dummy!" She closed her eyes as she blushed. Seeing the cute reaction from the tiny girl was more than worth the price of having to carry around the heavy bag in the freezing weather.

"Well... What do you want for Christmas?" You asked her. She paused for a bit before speaking up.

"... Why do you care so much?" She asked.

"Hmm?" You asked back.

"Why do you care so much about what to get me for Christmas?" She looked at you.

"Because..." It was hard to say it. You had a crush on Natsuki ever since you met her. She was petit, cute, and even shared in interest in manga. What made you realize you liked her was when she ended up having an emotional breakdown one day. After you went home, you thought about the way she got so stressed that she broke into tears and began to softly weep for her.

Of course, you can't just say it to her. Natsuki was the kind to get easily flustered, kind of like Yuri. However, unlike Yuri, she responds in a rather rude way, giving you snippy remarks and berating you. It was almost like walking on egg shells. But... the way she reacts, it's just so adorable. You sometimes just make her flustered on purpose, just so that she may yell at you while her face was redder than a beet.

Just looking at her face now just put you in a nice mood, warming that cold face of yours.

"You gonna answer me?" She looked at you, hand held out. You knew exactly what to say to her.

"Because you're just so cute!" You then held her tiny hand, whose warmth seeped through your wool gloves. She just blushed and screeched.

"I'm not cute!" This made you giggle.

"Alright, alright..." You chuckled. As you were about to let go of her hand, she tightened her grip.

"Though... Can we just walk a little bit more? Please?" Her nervous face soon shifted to a frowning one. You just nodded and tightened your grip as well.

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