Chapter Twenty-Three

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Dean screamed, sending Cas straight up in bed. "Cas! Fuck... Cas!" Dean hollered, agonizingly close to tears, it seemed. Castiel jumped up, and ran down the hallway to find Dean on the ground of the one working bathroom. And, oh god, there was a lot of blood.

"Dean, what--?!" Castiel started, heading to Dean quickly, holding the back of his neck, lifting him up slow and gentle. Dean gasped in pain and his eyes screwed shut. "I'm sorry--" Cas said propping Dean up, utilizing his whole body. He swung Dean around to where his back leaned against the counter. The blood came from a short shallow gash in the back of Dean's head. "Christ, Dean, what happened?"

Castiel turned to face the medicine cabinet above the sink. He opened the doors of the white organized shelving unit, locating the cotton pads. "I was just..." his cheeks burned cherry red,  and he looked down, wincing as Castiel carefully held the piece of cotton to the wound. Cas looked up at the cabinet, and saw a small bottle sat on the very top shelf. Easily recognizable. A twitchy smirk splashed across Castiel's mouth.

"Nerd," he murmured, clearing the gore from the white tile. It would leave a stain, and at this conclusion, Castiel frowned. "Its not bad, just a little scratch." Cas informed.

"That was a metric fuckton of blood for a scratch." Dean said looking hauntingly into the small puddle of thick red.

"Head wounds bleed a lot." Cas said, very matter-of-fact.

"Oh," Dean replied lamely. Cas laced his fingers with Dean's, and smiled softly at him.

"Lets go back to your room?" Castiel suggested quietly.

"Yeah," Dean agreed. The small cut was fine, a bit of an overreaction as it wasn't even bleeding anymore. He barely noticed the dull throb anymore, after just a moment of silence and Castiel's eyes. Dean didn't move, though, his legs locking in place. Cas glanced at him.

"You okay?" Castiel asked.

"I'm fine, Cas... bed?" He replied. Castiel tutted, but nodded his head, and held Dean's hand as they walked back to his room.

However, Dean had a cold feeling spreading like fire in his stomach. The feeling wasnt light, but instead was dark and heavy. It felt as though it sat on top of his organs, but it wasnt a physical mass, just a feeling of imminent despair. He followed Cas into the plush springy bed, feeling hollow.


Castiel laid awake, staring at Dean, who was sleeping. Dean's left hand was flopped over his forehead, palm pressed to his warm pallid skin. He really was quite a bit paler than when he had first been brought to see Castiel. Cas frowned, a slouch creeping across his whole body as he noticed the sunken gray shadows below Dean's eyes. He appeared exhausted and sick. He was.

Cas sighed quietly, drawing his knees up and curving his arms around hismelf, folding into a ball. Light flowed into the room, gently brightened up by the quarter moon. Castiel studied Dean's profile, every inch of his face permanently etched on the backs of Castiel's eyelids.

"I love you, Dean." Cas whispered rolling one arm around Dean's waist careful not to wake him. "I'm so sorry." He planted his lips on Dean's chest, kissing it, and leaving no trace.


Sorry this took so long. I got sick. Scrapped all my ideas. Forgot all my other ideas. Took a week and a half to come up with this one. Sorryyyy.  Don't kill me.

I'll be updating again very soon. Sooner than you think, in fact. :)

Sorry it's short. The end is drawing very very very very near. Like I'm not saying six chapters but......

Love Ya!  Byeeeee

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