Chapter Five

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(I got my first comment and kudos/like/favorite/vote/whatever-the-duck-they're-called-on-here today and felt so accomplished that I'm adding two new parts (part one out tonight, two will be released tomorrow)! Thank you friend *whose url I can't remember but you know who you are*! I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it, bye!)

Mrs. Hutchinson was a very nice old woman who had cancer, however, she refused to let the sickness affect her. She was Castiel's very favorite patient. Yes, he took care of a few cancer patients. ("General medicine, little bit of everything all mixed up." Gabriel would say, usually punctuating his sentence with a ruffle of Castiel's hair.)

Cas made his way to Mrs. Hutchinson's room and knocked on the door lightly. "Come in, please." He heard her always cheery response. Cas pushed open the door and smiled softly at her, before noticing a young man who looked quite upset sitting beside her.

"Oh, Mrs. Hutchinson, I was unaware you had a visitor. I can come back later if you'd rather." Castiel said starting to back out of the room.

"Dear, I've told you to call me Lucy before," she said sweetly. Castiel smiled at her.

"Of course, Lucy, I'll come back when your visitor has gone." Castiel nodded placing his hand on the door handle.

"Oh no, dear, its alright, go on." She said turning back to the man Castiel assumed was her son.

Castiel nodded and got some Purell from the dispenser. He went around to the side of her bed and grabbed latex gloves from the box, slipping them on as quietly as possible. He took her pulse on her wrist first as the visitor resumed his conversation.

He said, "I just crashed into him. Wasn't even paying attention. He's probably hurt real bad. Oh God, mom, what if he's dead? Its all my fault." The man rambled, and Castiel could tell he was crying. "I just called 911 and I..." he looked up at Cas, fixing him with a glare. "Aren't you done with that yet?" He grumbled.

Castiel snapped out of it, realizing he'd been staring. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"Oh don't worry about Dr. Novak." Mrs. Hutchinson -Lucy - said to the man.

Castiel peeled off his gloves and threw them in the biohazard can under the sink. Cas turned on the water and started to wash his hands. Just as the man whispered, "and I left him," Castiel's pager beeped and he had to leave, grabbing a paper towel, a squirt of Purell, and saying goodbye to Lucy.

~ ~ ~

Castiel rechecked the number on his pager. It was Gabriel. Oh no, he really hoped he didn't have to help with a child. As much as he liked people and loved helping them, he just really couldn't handle kids. As he approached the front desk where Gabriel waited, though, he realized it was an entirely different story.

Sam waited next to Gabriel, smiling happily and making light conversation. "Hello, Sam. Gabriel, you do know these pagers are for work, correct?"

"Yes, Cassie, I am aware," Gabriel said, "but Zach's got you workin the comatose guy, so I figured what the hell. Your boyfriend wanted to talk to ya, so I gave you a ring."

"Sam's got a girlfriend," Castiel said narrowing his eyes and tilting his head to the side, "we've been over this."

"Fiance, actually. She said yes." Sam interrupted Gabriel's undoubtedly snarky response.

"Good for you, man." Gabriel said and glanced down at his beeping pager. "Catch ya later." He said walking briskly down the hall.

"Congratulations, Sam. Thats great. How did you ask her?" Castiel asked deciding he had a moment to take a break.

"I didn't, really..." Sam blushed and looked up, "she was organizing some stuff and found the ring. She just put two-and-two together and called me to say yes."

"No matter how it happened, its great." Castiel said and he was honestly happy for Sam.

"Yeah, it is! If only o could get ahold of my brother. He usually answers my calls." Sam said worriedly.

Castiel nodded, "He's probably busy, you did say he worked."

"Yeah, you're right, Cas." Sam agreed.

"So how has your day been?"

"Hectic, there's a new comatose John Doe that came--" He was cut off when Becky, a particularly energetic nurse, bumped into him.

"Oh! Dr. Novak, I was actually looking for you!" She squeaked.

"Its just Castiel, please." He answered her.

"The man in room 398 has an increased heart rate and Missouri said I should come get you!" She grinned at the great progression John Doe had made. That was actually great.

"Thank you, Becky." Castiel said. "Could I have you help me?" He asked after scanning the halls and not seeing Anna anywhere. She nodded eagerly. Cas turned to Sam. "I should get to him."

"Yeah, yeah go ahead man. Good luck." Sam gave him a thumbs up and Castiel smiled.

"Congratulations, Sam." Castiel said to him turning around. Becky was staring at Sam with her large eyes that were practically hearts. "Becky?" Cas said softly. She shook her head and looked at Castiel blushing.

"Sorry, Dr. Novak." She said and started walking toward the new patient's room. Castiel rolled his eyes - it seemed he was inheriting undesirable traits from Gabriel - and followed Becky down the overly busy hallway.

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