Chapter Twenty-One

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When Dean woke up, Cas was not beside him. After their chat, Cas had curled back up, pressing into Dean's warmth. But then, in the early pink of morning, as Dean's eyes blinked open from possibly the best night's sleep he'd ever had, Cas wasn't where he had been before.

Dean stretched out,  yawning deeply as he did so, and sat with his legs under the duvet, wondering were Castiel could be. He stood up, eventually, and made his way towards the door. His brain, though still muddled with sleep, showed him the map of Castiel's apartment space. He smiled when he came down the long hallway and found Cas sitting on the sofa, reading a book with small print. 

"Morning, Cas." Dean said sweetly, wrapping his arms around Castiel's shoulders from behind.

"Good morning, Dean." Castiel replied, his tone affectionate. Cas tilted his head so Dean could kiss his cheek, and was smiling when Dean pulled back. 

"Mind if I sit?" Dean asked, coming around the couch.

"Of course not, Dean." Castiel replied as Dean catapulted himself onto the couch beside him. Castiel laughed as the book was taken from his hands. Dean studied the cover of the novel closely, but he didn't need to, it was a favorite of his. Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. Dean didnt read much, but he quite enjoyed Vonnegut's work. He wouldn't have thought Castiel would enjoy it.

"This is a good book." Dean said smiling over at Cas. Castiel rested his hand on Dean's knee. "One of my favorites actually."

"Yes, Sam mentioned that you enjoyed this one." Castiel agreed. Dean smiled at the intelligent and beautiful man sitting next to him.

"You wanted to read it because I like it?" Dean asked running a hand through Castiel's soft, slightly dampened, black hair.

Castiel's cheeks tinted pink, and he looked away from Dean's bright eyes. "Well, I wanted to know about what you like." He responded shyly.

"How're you liking it, so far?" Dean questioned noticing that he wasn't very far into the book.

"Its alright..." Castiel nodded.

"Not your thing?"

"Not particularly,  I read more Stephen King type novels than science fiction."

"Yeah, he's not for everyone." Dean looked fondly back at Cas, and handed the book back to him, making certain that their hands brush. "Stephen King is amazing, though." Dean agreed, noticing the small shy flash of a smile on Castiel's lips. They were silent for a period of time that dragged by comfortably.

"Oh, yes," Castiel said, a bit loudly. Dean flinched and then laughed at Castiel's horrified facial expression. "Have I hurt you?  Are you alright?"

Between laughs,  Dean replied, "I'm fine, just was not expecting a shout, not yet anyways." Dean's eyebrows jumped up challenging Castiel. Cas kissed Dean's lips softly, and Dean had to pry himself away from the man's warm body. He rested his head on Castiel's shoulder, "What were you about to say, though?"

"Oh, yes--"

"Yeah, Angel, you said that part already."

Cas blushed darkly, a shade that wasn't quite dark enough to match Dean's. Angel had just slipped right out, like it was a natural occurrence. "Um, what I was saying was... Sam sent me a text message this morning, he said he hoped you "felt better," complete with quotations. And he said I must tell you this." He explained.

As if Dean couldn't possibly be anymore embarrassed. His brother definitely knew he and Cas had just 'done the dirty deed'. Castiel didn't appear very concerned, although judging by his pleased smirk, he had come to this revelation on his own already. Bastard probably thought it was funny. Dean looked up into Castiel's bright eyes, and kissed his lips. Leaving his eyes open and staring into the ocean-like view, he taunted Castiel playfully.

Castiel's eyes were the first to close, but Dean wanted every detail committed to memory. He wanted Castiel's beautiful face perfectly burned into his eyelids. When he closed his eyes he wanted to see Cas' sparkling baby blues and his blinding smile. When he touched anything he wanted to feel Castiel's porcelain skin under his fingertips. He wanted to smell coconut shampoo and brewing tea. He longed for the warmth and familiarity that came with Castiel's body, his strong encompassing arms and the rigid muscles carving his back. Dean wanted the moment forever. He wanted Castiel forever. And, suddenly, it didn't matter that Sam knew Dean had slept with Cas. He didn't care that he felt growing emotions blossoming inside his chest, making it hard to focus sometimes. It didn't make sense, but Cas was making things perfect, as Dean was falling apart.

He was falling apart,  and all he could do was remember. 

Author's Note:

It's short. I know this. I'm sorry for this. Blame Wolfy. Its his fault. He made me flustered.

Sorry this one took so long. The updates will be going faster after this one. I promise.

LOVE YOU. I really do.

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