Chapter Sixteen

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Dean visibly brightened when Castiel walked in. He was sitting in bed, with a car magazine folded open on his lap. He looked up as Cas walked in the room. Dean seemed to have no memory of the scene that unfolded after the morphine. Castiel smiled almost shyly at Dean. Sam was downstairs in the cafeteria for a sandwich or fries, probably a salad, so it was just Dean and Castiel.

"Hey, man, how was the wedding?" Dean asked.

"It was the most awkward event of all time... ever." Castiel shuddered thinking back to it.

"Sounds pretty bad. What happened?" Dean closed the magazine, and set it on the table next to his bed.

"Well," Cas started, "to start things off, my ex, Amelia, got married to my little brother. I was forced to suffer two hours with my other siblings and insufferable parents. And Gabriel, who I don't think you've met before, slept with his ex-fiancee and I had to take the public bus from Palo Alto to my apartment. A woman, named Chastity, tried to sell me her body on the ride home, and I'm pretty sure I got an STD from merely speaking to her." Castiel relayed his experience to Dean as he took his blood pressure.

"Whoa man, sounds rough." Dean answered as Castiel removed the pressure cuff and set it aside.

"That doesn't even begin to explain how it went. Believe me, I would've rather been here with you." Castiel said, moving his hand up to Dean's neck so he could take his pulse. Dean looked up at Castiel, and smiled.

"Really?" Dean asked.

"I wouldn't lie to you, Dean." Castiel told him. He looked down, pulling his hand away from Dean's throat, but he was still hunched over.

Dean reached up a hand and stroked it through Castiel's hair. The heart monitor kicked up when Castiel leaned forward slightly. Cas smiled, "The monitor kind of gives you away."

Dean blushed and pulled Castiel closer. Their eyes fluttered closed as their lips barely brushed.

"Hey Dean! I'm back!" Sam exclaimed, and Castiel abruptly pulled himself away. Dean yanked his hand back through Castiel's knotted and tangled hair.

The kiss - that didn't really qualify as a kiss if you asked Dean - lasted not even three seconds, but had electricity pulsing through both Castiel and Dean. Castiel was a bright red color that Dean could only describe as 'tomato'. Cas cleared his throat.

"Yeah, Dean, it looks like that cut on your neck will scar, but I wouldn't worry." Castiel supplied. He mouthed, "Play along."

"Okay, thanks for looking at that, Cas." Dean replied.

Sam entered the room, smiling greedily. "Hey, Cas." He beamed.

"Hello, Sam." Castiel said, snatching up the file. "I must be going." Cas darted through the door, almost hitting a nurse that was walking past.

"Hey, Sam." Dean said. He was still blushing softly.

Sam smiled knowingly, "I think it's nice."

"What's nice?" Dean wondered, serially hoping it was not about what he thought it was about.

"You and Cas." Sam said pulling out his cell phone

Dean stared at him dumbfounded. But Sam just ate his salad quietly, smiling at Dean's bewildered expression. He hurried to send a message.

Jess was not going to believe this.


Sorry for the very short chapter. I just wanted to get some awkward fluff action!

Oh, Just so you know, I'm trying to think of songs to use for a play-list for this story! I have a few songs already* but if any of you have any suggestions please tell me, and i'll look them up and they might make the list!!

Love you guys, thank you for sticking with this story! I hope you all love it. :)

*Kashmir will obviously be involved...

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