Chapter Twelve

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Sam looked Castiel in the eyes. Memory loss? Castiel held Sam's gaze, frowning delicately, as if he was afraid Sam was going to break. And Sam wasn't completely convinced that he wouldn't break. Dean had always been the strong one, anyhow. He shuffled his feet and looked at the closed file clutched tightly in Castiel's hands.

"It isn't confirmed. It could have just been a side effect of the anesthesia, however, we are going to run some tests. Just to be on the safe side." Castiel explained softly.

Sam idly wondered how many times Cas had given a speech similar to this. He was acutely aware of a beeping machine coming from the next room over. Sam grimly ran a hand through his hair.

"Okay, " he whispered, and his voice cracked slightly.

He didn't know he'd been shaking until Cas put his hand awkwardly on Sam's bicep. "He'll be fine. Don't worry. It was most likely a side effect of the anesthesia. I just want to be cautious since he does have slight confirmed brain trauma. "

"Alright. Thanks Cas. " Sam said, he felt a steamy tear drop to his cheek. He wiped it away with the heel of his left hand. 'He'll be fine.' Sam repeated in his mind.

Castiel offered him a polite smile. "You could step back inside with Jessica and Dean if you would prefer. "

"Okay. Thanks." Sam opened the door and stepped back in.

Cas didn't follow him. And Sam tried to ignore the look of mild disappointment etched to Dean's features. He failed miserably. He hurried over to his seat positioned between Dean's bed and the seat Jess Sat in. Dean and Jess shared a sad look. They had been eavesdropping, no doubt.

Jessica frowned and stood quickly. "I'm going to get some tea." She announced.

Sam smiled and nodded while Dean mumbled something incoherently. She left the room in a fuss. There was brief silence before Dean spoke. "So you're sticking it to my doctor?"

Sam blinked, his eyes growing comically wide. "What?"

"You're banging Dr. Novak? You know, slammin the screen door. Banging the bongo. Dancin the firey mamba. Delighting the D. Fixin the frickle frackle. Doin the diddly doo. Gettin it on. Rockin the river. Twisting the knob. Droppin the bass. Wettin the whistle. Havin the--"

"Okay, Dean, I fucking get it."

"Okay, okay, Jesus."

"I'm engaged to Jess."

"No shit!?"


"What the fuck else did I miss?"

"Well, Charlie and Hannah hooked up."

"Charlie and who?"

"Hannah, you know, Michael's sister. Preachers kid."

"Well damn, bet padre isn't too happy about that."

"You kidding? They hardly even told me. Let alone Hannah's dad."

"What else?"

"Well, I almost got a dog."

"Sammy, you know the rules. No animals in my house."

"I said 'almost,' didn't I?"


"His name is Bones, by the way."


They stopped talking then. Letting the silence consume them for a minute.

"I'm not, by the way." Sam said.

"Not what?" Dean queried.

"Having sex with Cas." Sam clarified, as if it was the most obvious thing in the whole world.

"Damn it, Sammy." Dean shook his head with a laugh.

"He's all yours." He teased.

"Sam!" Dean scolded. A red tint climbed up his neck, onto his ears and face.

Sam laughed, and Dean practically hid under the scratchy covers when Jess walked back into the room, holding two to-go coffee cups filled with tea. She narrowed her eyes at the boys. Completely oblivious to their previous conversation.

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