Chapter Twenty

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Cas removed his shoes as he stepped in the door, and Dean followed his lead. Castiel noticed Lucifer stand and stretch. He watched intently as Lucifer crept across the floor, from the couch, towards Dean. He sneezed, and Cas remembered that Sam had said Dean was allergic to cats. He bent down, scooping the fat feline into his arms, and he moved away from Dean lithely. "I forgot about him." Castiel murmured, holding Lucifer - who was currently losing his shit - to his chest. Dean chuckled and sneezed again.

"That's alright Cas." Dean said running his fingers through his hair. Castiel tried not to stare.

"We could go to my room." He blurted without thinking of how it sounded. His cheeks turned a bright red as it clicked in his brain that it had sounded awfully intimate and straightforward. "I... I mean, my friend Balthazar goes in there sometimes--" His explanation was not making the situation less embarrassing. "What I mean is... Balthazar cleans houses, and he doesn't like Lucifer, so he puts him in the bathroom while he cleans my room, and won't let him in my bedroom while he's in there, and he always closes the door of my room when he's done, so there shouldn't be any cat hair in there, because he came in earlier while i was home, and cleaned." He rambled in one breath. Dean was too busy laughing to understand him, but he nodded anyways. Castiel turned away from him, before walking towards the bathroom, and locking Lucifer inside. "S-sorry, I'll go change..." He said, looking down to see that his black shirt was covered in cat hair.

Dean grabbed his hand, still chuckling quietly, and he placed a kiss on the corner of Castiel's mouth. "Don't bother." He murmured, trapping Cas against him with his  arms. Castiel made a surprised squeak, causing Dean to smile and hungrily press his lips to Castiel's neck. Cas balled his fists into Dean's shirt, and closed his eyes smelling a scent that was so familiar, so Dean. Castiel let one of his hands lower to the hem of Dean's shirt, and his fingers mapped Dean's stomach under his shirt. Dean pulled back, and pushed his lips to meet Castiel's. Cas smiled into Dean's mouth as Dean's hands tickled him through the material of his shirt, before pulling off the clingy black fabric from Castiel's torso. Cas felt bare as Dean broke their feverish kiss to gaze at him. Dean grasped Castiel's hand softly and pulled him closer. "Lead the way." He said, his voice husky. Cas nodded and stepped around his discarded t-shirt that was in a pile on the floor, and rushed down the hallway toward his room, pulling Dean behind him.

Dean paused only for a second, in the doorway of Castiel's room. Looking everything over, from the unique hand-painted dresser, to the photographs organized neatly on the wall farthest from the bed. Cas turned to look at him, to see if he was okay, and Dean got back to work, kissing Castiel everywhere with his pink swollen lips. Dean's fingers glided over Castiel's back, bumping over taut muscles and his spine.

Castiel's hands pulled up on Dean's shirt, and Dean took it off expertly. Cas surged up, pressing a kiss to his bicep in response. Dean smiled quickly at him, and bent down to undo his belt buckle. Castiel eagerly awaited Dean's mouth back on his, but when Dean kissed his thigh instead, Castiel could not protest. Cas moaned lightly , and Dean laughed quietly, dipping his hands into the waistband of Castiel's  pants.

He undid the button of Cas' jeans , with one swift hand motion. Castiel smiled dreamily up at him. Dean been focused on pulling Cas out of his pants, ignoring the long elegant fingers raking across his back.

"If we do this..." Dean murmured softly against Castiel's navel, "there isn't any going back."

"There wasn't ever any going back." Castiel sighed, breathless, into the warm, comfortable air.

Dean nosed along Castiel's abdomen and waist, leaving delecate kisses in his wake, as he made his way down to Castiel's throbbing erection. Cas took a deep breath. Dean moved his thumb along Castiel's cock, and the noise that escaped Castiel's throat was unnatural. It almost didn't sound human. Dean pressed his lips down to the head of Castiel's dick, staring up at Cas eager to watch him squirm. Castiel moaned deeply, and he didn't try to hide the rough noise that escaped his lips.

Dean smiled, and touched Castiel's member, wrapping his fingers around it delicately. "Dean... p-please." Castiel whined, threading his fingers through Dean's hair. Dean tilted his head, mimicking Castiel's usual reaction to things, and let a smile play his features.

"What do you want, Angel?" Dean whispered,  his fingers lightly stroking and toying with him.

"D-Dean..." Castiel gasped, when Dean licked one line along Castiel's boner.

"Don't worry, Cas. You're alright... I'm here." Dean said, coiling his mouth around Castiel's stiff cock, reveling in the dirty noises Cas made.

~ ~ ~ ~

It was still light outside when Dean forced his shimmering eyes open. Pink streams of light, but sunlight nonetheless. He glanced down at the man curled into his side, and smiled lovingly down at him. His hands slipped into Castiel's dark raven-like hair  and he smiled when Cas made a light cooing noise. Dean kissed the top of his head, eyes closing as he breathed in the scent of coconut shampoo. He hadn't noticed the smell of Castiel's hair before, too busy with... other things,  I suppose.

Castiel's eyes gradually pulled open, and he looked genuinely frightened until his eyes made their way to Dean's. Then he smiled. That smile could end wars, Dean thought distantly, but instead he just leaned down and pressed a kiss to Castiel's beautiful pink lips. He liked those lips.

"Good evening." Castiel said, his hands curling up on Dean's chest. He tucked himself into a tighter ball, and rested his head against Dean's arm.

"Hey." Dean replied. Castiel's eyes gradually closed again.

"Have I made things... difficult, Dean?" Cas panicked quietly, so that it barely sounded nervous at all.

"No, Cas, I wanted that. Just as bad as you did." Dean answered, pulling Castiel in as close as physically possible.

"I'm glad, because I quite like you." Castiel said. Oh God it was a lie, the second it left his mouth, it was a lie. He loved Dean. And it wasn't a school yard crush.

"I... quite like you,  too." Dean answered, unable to fight back the grin that was quickly splitting his cheeks.

Author's note:

Ring in 2015 with poorly written gay doctor/patient smut.

This chapter is dedicated to you Mama Abbs. Thank you for being my best friend and introducing me to Destiel. I cannot repay you enough.


*mwah!* that was your New Year's kiss!!

Hope you didn't  find the smut completely revolting, Bye!

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