Chapter Four

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Castiel peeked his head and looked across the room at the paramedics rushing through the building. They raced along the hall, pushing a stretcher in front of them. He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

"Come on, Cassie." Gabriel said popping up beside him.

"It must be a child." Castiel thought to himself. But as he neared the paramedics, he quickly realized that it wasn't. He let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding, glad it wasn't a child. But it was a man. He wasn't still like most are, he was thrashing around, and writhing.

"We need anesthesia. He's in critical condition." A lady, Castiel thought was named Brittany, said.

Someone Cas couldn't recognize pushed past him and wheeled the stretcher, followed by the mob of doctors. The man seemed to scream a name, "Sammy!"

Castiel looked around the waiting area where people were watching with horrified expressions. He followed the doctors down the hall with his eyes, until his supervisor, an asshole of a man named Zachariah, touched his shoulder. Castiel jumped.

"How are you Castiel?" He asked feigning an interest in Castiel.

"Fine, sir." He said. Cas would be lying if he said Zachariah didn't frighten him just a bit.

"Great. That new patient," he nodded his head in the direction the direction of the struggling man. "Will be put in one of your rooms." Castiel looked at the man.

"Of course." Cas said. Zachariah turned to leave, but Castiel stopped him. "What's his name?"

"Dont know. He didn't have an ID with him." And Zachariah left.

Castiel leaned against the secretary's desk. Oh great. A John Doe.

~ ~ ~

In a little less than two hours, the unconscious man was brought into an empty room in the ICU where Castiel worked. He was cleaned up by Anna - yes, Castiel's friend.

"He's quite a looker, isn't he?" Anna joked.

"Yes, very aesthetically pleasing, very injured, and very anonymous." Castiel muttered, almost to himself.

"So you agree he's cute?" Anna smirked and nudged Castiel in the ribs, carefully leaning the man's head against the plush pillow.

"Ha-ha, Anna." He said.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I have other people to clean up." She laughed squirting Purell into her hands. She left the room quietly. Castiel checked the solution in one of the drip bags attached to the man through an IV, and scribbled something down on his file. He made a mental note to read that later.

He turned to go when he heard a slight gurgling noise. He rushed over to the man, not particularly worried (this happened sometimes with ventilators). Cas put one hand under his head, lifting it up gently, his fingers sliding through the fine hairs at the base of the man's neck. Castiel adjusted the man's head on the brick of a pillow and propped him up a little. He elevated the bed so he wouldn't choke on his own spit, and left the room (Purell on his hands) to go check on another patient.

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