Chapter Fourteen

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As Dean sat on the cot in the exam room, he tried not to notice the way Castiel paced the tile floor of the exam room. Well, he really just tried not to notice Castiel. The way his lean frame trembled with anticipation. Or the way he kept peeking over at Dean shyly. His porn star lips. His deep shimmering eyes. The small, slim hands poised on his narrow hips. Dean shook his head discreetly. He really didn't need to be having these thoughts before a mental exam. But there was no mistaking those manic butterflies that felt more like bats.

The door that was painted white from top to bottom, opened up carefully, and there was no mistaking the red hair that followed. Charlie, Dean's life-long second best friend, stepped inside. She smiled at Dean.

He furiously narrowed his eyes at her. "Did you know Sam was looking for me?" He spat. Castiel frowned and looked around questioningly, eyebrows raised in confusion.

Charlie grimaced. "Not until this morning when Doctor Novak arranged the tests. I was going to call Sam after your first surgery, but I had a new full time patient, and completely forgot about it."

"So you two are acquaintances?" Castiel pieced together.

"Yes," they answered simultaneously. Castiel nodded.

"Alright, well, then I'll leave you to it." He said making his way to the tacky looking door.

"Wai-- wait, I thought you were staying?" Dean stammered, suddenly becoming nervous at the prospect of being left alone without Cas. The same feeling that he had made the mistake asking Sam about when Cas left for the wheelchair.

Castiel hesitated in front of the door, his hand raised just above the latch. Dean waited a long second before Cas turned and went over to him, with a perplexed expression gracing his features, before dropping into the chair near the trolley bed. Dean tried to miss the tiny smile that flickered over Castiel's pink lips. And he tried to banish the grin that took up residence on his own face. Charlie watched the display with an amused smile, before busying herself with her work.

Charlie stood across from Dean, "So it isn't really a test from, like, a school or something you know? It's kinda like a scan of your brain. So we're going to lay you back on this gurney, and take you into the scan/x-ray room, and do the tests. You're going to need to be given morphine, okay?"

"Morphine?" Dean asked glancing over at Castiel. "Is it going to hurt?"

"No," she smiled over at Cas, but he didn't smile back. She coughed, not really understanding why Cas wouldn't help her explain, "morphine is a muscle and a mental relaxant."

"Oh. Okay. I dunno, Charlie. Morphine kind of makes me lose my filter. " Dean said.

"You'll be fine." Charlie insisted, waving a hand dismissively.

"Whatever you say." Dean shrugged.

"Alright, lay back. And we'll take you in." Charlie said turning to prepare a morphine IV.

"Wait, Cas, don't leave."

"I won't, Dean."

"Do you promise?"

"Of course I do."

Dean took in a long breath and nodded. He finally rested his head down on the cot. He stared up at the ceiling, and clenched his teeth as he felt the IV needle pinch into his skin. Then, soft fingers massaged circles into the skin around the needle. He knew it was Cas.

The brakes of the cart squeaked off and he was being pushed away from the exam room, but not from Castiel, whose hand was being awkwardly squashed by Dean's. He didn't seem to mind, though. He closed his eyes and when he looked up he was being pushed back down the hall to his room, in the wheelchair.

His head felt miles away, still doped up on morphine. He leaned his head all the way back, until his hair brushed over Castiel's clothed abdomen. He frowned at the realization that Cas was wearing clothes. And then he burst out giggling. Cas looked down at him and shook his head.

Castiel brought him into the room, rolling him up to the bed. Sam was there, like he said he would be, and Jess was there, too. Cas and Sam heaved Dean up so that he was sitting on the bed.

Dean's eyes went wide as he looked at Cas again. "Oh my God, Sammy! Look at his eyes, aren't they just the bluest, prettiest eyes ever? Don't you think so? I think so. You're really pretty." Sam looked at Cas who was blushing and frowning. Jess giggled softly. "Why are there needless on me? Ow! They hurt, Cas, get them off."

"You need to leave them in." Cas informed.

"What are those?" Dean asked running his hand over the freckles on his forearm.

"Those are your freckles, Dean." Sam chuckled.

"You don't have them. Neither do you, Cas." Dean pointed up at Cas. "These needles hurt. Make them better. Cas, kiss them better."

"Ah, n-no." Cas took a step back.

"Why not?" He blinked up at Cas, pouting. "Am I not pretty enough to kiss?"

"Um, n-no, you are... Sam?" Cas panicked, snapping his head up to catch Jess and Sam laughing hysterically at the scene unfolding before them. Cas straightened up quickly. "Uh, b-bye." He said and practically jogged away.

No more morphine for Dean. Castiel made a note of that as he headed in to check on Mrs. Hutchinson, shaking his head. He was still flushed red, And he hoped she wouldn't notice.

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