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"She's a daughter of Eve!" a male voice exclaimed.

"I know that!" another voice, female this time, said.

"What must we do? Bring her to the castle?" a third voice asked, in a tone that only expressed hurry and slight panic.

What on earth? Rose scrunched her nose, her lips parting as she took in a breath and shifted in her laid-down position. Her misty amber eyes slowly fluttered open, only to be met with the clarity of the cloudless sky. She didn't like it, it was too bright; the last time she had been awake it was nighttime, but now, it's daylight. Had she spent the whole night in the woods? What happened? The last thing she remembered from the night prior was running away from something; a creature. She still didn't know what it was exactly, but it seemed persistent.

"No—no, dear," the faint female voice said as Rose attempted to sit up, placing a hand—a ridiculously small hand—on her shoulder to prevent her from sitting up. She did not recognize that voice; she thought it had come from one of the gardeners or maids that had found her laying in the woods. But no, it seemed that it wasn't from the maids.

It was when Rose rested her head back on the rather itchy grass that her head began to ache. Rising her hand to her sweat-laced forehead, the pounding sensation returned to her temples, and she winced as she laid back down again. Oh. That's right. She had hit her head with a tree bark, she remembered now. Her hand fell limp on her stomach, and her eyes drooped closed once-again as the clarity of the day became too bright for her still sensitive eyes.

When she awoke again, she heard a gentle voice that said, "Oh, give her some space!" and she promptly laid back down on the grass. As her clouded eyes began to open, it was then when she noticed three faces watching her from above. What

"What's going on?" she asked, a burning feeling piercing her forehead where she'd hit her head. Her gaze was still misty, blurry, as she focused on her hand: dried-up blood tainted her fingertips. Against the objections she had received, she shifted into a position sitting up, only now taking in her unfamiliar surroundings. Because, yes, she was still in the woods, but these were not the same trees that rested behind the estate of her home. She was someplace else, she knew those woods enough to know that these weren't the ones back home.

"Where—where am I?" she asked, having not yet seen the faces of her rescuers. She only focused on the soft birds chirps that came from every direction, the breeze that caressed her dirtied cheek, and a sky so clear and bright that she couldn't believe she was still in England.

Rose moved to stand, stretch her limbs, when she turned her head to face her rescuers for the first time.

"Careful, dear," the same female voice said, taking small steps towards her. Rose nearly fainted at the sight.

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