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Just like the Archen Princess and her group of ladies had intended, their glimmering carriage rounded up the dusty path. It emerged from within the golden gates of the majestic Cair Paravel, just in time for the brunch; in which the Lady Rose had been so keen to attend alongside the queens. They had arrived right before the grand clock struck twelve o' clock, and the Queen Susan and Queen Lucy had been awaiting for the carriage to arrive after the royal's day's long trip from Archenland.

The Gentle Queen, alongside her Lady, had been watching how the round carriage's horses had trotted joyfully all the way to the awe-inspiring entrance. The youngest queen had been smiling and once in a while she would grip the fabric of her skirts as they had been awaiting the Archen Princess to arrive. She had been rambling to her older sister and her Lady, expressing how she would love to become close friends with the royal and her ladies. After all, the Valiant Queen had been merely twelve-years-old.

And the Lady Rose was quick to mirror the younger queen's actions. A forceful grip took hold of her golden skirts, and she bit the inside of her cheek as she had begun to pick at her nails as discreetly as she could; she had been mindful of these habits, for she would begin to pick at her nails or bite her lips at unexpected times. And as her stern mother had always taught her back in England, Rose needed to be conscious of what she did in front of said visitors. Especially if the visitor was the Princess of Archenland.

But then again, Rose was but a mere Lady-in-waiting to Queen Susan; she was to spend more time with the Princess's ladies instead of her, which seized the nervousness that had taken over her stomach. It was whenever she was to meet people that she would become nervous and cautious of her every step and word; a habit she had begun to form when she had been adopted by the Lovells. And just how she had felt when she initially met the Pevensie siblings, she was going to meet the royal... or rather glance at.

Rose forced herself to loosen the grip on her skirts in fear she would wrinkle the silks of her skirts. Appearances, she would always say in her head, Remember appearances. She glanced in the queens' direction and followed their eyesight to see the carriage settled right before the wide stone steps that ascended to the majestic front doors. She gulped and took a deep breath to ease her nerves that had managed to creep up within her. Needless to say, young Rose Lovell minded her appearance more than anything.

The butlers, which had been fauns, rushed to the carriage's side along the coachman that had opened the petite-sized door of the coach, and then emerged the Princess's three ladies-in-waiting. They descended down the steep stairs of the carriage with the help of the coachman's hand ever-so gracefully, and the three Ladies dipped in a deep curtsy in sync.

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