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It had been a bright and chilly October morning when one of the kings woke up unusually early. It had been partly because of the ecstatic chirps from the birds perched just outside his windowsill, and because of the bright sunlight flooding in the room from his parted windows. He had asked his older sister if he could move in to another room, one where the sunlight did not barge in through the windows and practically blind him the minute his eyes fluttered open; but of course, Susan had refused. And so, with that, he hopped out of bed lazily towards the lavatory room.

Edmund Pevensie was a simple person. He did not take too long getting dressed, at least when it came to coming down for breakfasts or suppers. And that had been the reason why he merely had gone down to meet his siblings for breakfast in the very same clothes he had worn to bed that night. Only, that time, he had draped a coat over his shoulders to cover up the thin fabric that had been his nightshirt.

He turned the knob of his door and exposed himself to the refreshing hallways of the western hall. The morning had just been starting, the sun had been rising beautifully, and so had been the Narnian lords and maids. The sun had cast orange and blue hues over the sky full of clouds, and the woodland that surrounded the majestic Cair Paravel swayed with the gentle breeze.

Strange enough, during this particular morning, Edmund had been feeling cheerful and eager to head to the Dining-Hall, in contrast to other mornings when he's grumpy and, well, simply not in the mood to speak with anyone. But this time, he could not wait for breakfast to commence; perhaps it had been because of the idea that had surged in his head as he strolled through the bustling corridors.

He had been making his way down to the hall, through the northern stairwell when he caught one particular lady-in-waiting and his sister doing the same. As part of their routine, they had been waltzing arm-in-arm in a fit of giggles, and Edmund even found himself wanting to join in their joyful conversation; especially after the one he had shared with his older sister's Lady several days prior. Although, ever since that conversation he had not uttered a single word to her.

And after Edmund had politely bid the group of maids a good morning, he hurried to catch up with the two girls before they arrive to the Dining-Hall. And something he could not forget was the bright smile and brief curtsy Lady Rose had offered him after he had joined them.

When they had arrived, as usual, the guards had promptly announced the monarchs' and lady's arrival to the hall, when the second half of the siblings shared their own good mornings. They all scattered across the table and to their respective seats, leaving the Lady the only remaining seat in the table. Unsurprisingly, it had been the chair next to King Edmund, and although she did not complain, she wished he had offered her, at least, a smile in greeting.

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