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She did not hold back. She didn't want to hold back anymore.

Just as she said she would, Rose told the lords of the council everything she knew of Alistair Ashford's involvement. How he had been the one to initiate the late-night library sessions several years ago, found the book, convinced her to help him with it, and how Rose had told him she wanted to tell all the others about their new discovery. Except, that last part wasn't exactly true. However, she knew the lords would much rather believe her word than his, that's why she had said it. There was some truth to her words, though. Rose had said she wanted to tell the others, she just never got to.

An unabashed sense of satisfaction washed over her body, and she watched how Alistair Ashford's once calmed features flickered into one of subtle panic. His eyes remained on her, as all present in the council-room turned to him, who for once had captured all the attention in the room. At this point, the lords did not know what to make of the hidden information that had just come to light, and instead, watched Peter.

With his hands tangled deep in his hair incredulous, and a tad bit angered of all the information he had been deprived of, he took a deep breath. Peter did not even know what to do himself, much less what to indicate as the next course of action. Naturally, that decision-making process was up to Edmund Pevensie now, as his sisters remained wordless in their seats. So much had been said in that very short amount of time the meeting had been going on for, and neither of them knew what to say next.

However, before Edmund could say another word, Peter beat him to it. "Is what Lady Rose says true, Sir Ashford?"

Alistair, whose disdainful eyes met hers briefly, straightened in his seat, and nodded—somewhat reluctantly. "Yes. It is all true." He wouldn't even bother to defend himself. Alistair was caught, and there was nothing he could do but claim what he had done.

"Why did you not say anything?" Susan Pevensie eyed him skeptically from across the room.

"I was afraid of the repercussions," he replied, but both Rose and Edmund knew he wasn't being truthful.

Peter studied his features for a beat of time, hands positioned at his waist as his contemplations got the best of him. Edmund watched his brother, his mind coming to what he would have done had he been granted with Peter's role. "Alistair," he spoke, regardless of the lords, in a tone better resembling sincerity, "I will not give you any repercussions, if that's what you are afraid of. However, we would have appreciated you had told the truth when we first asked." He paused, turning to Rose now. "And, you, Rose, shouldn't have hidden anything from us, either. You shouldn't have decided to not tell us."

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