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Of all the time in the world, the High King decided to call a meeting between the royal siblings and his sister's lady in his study room very late at night. He claiming the meeting was of importance and that it was required that all were to attend, except the soldier, of course. And of all the time in the world, the High King called the meeting at the time when all were supposed to be asleep: at three in the morning.

When it had been announced that there was to be a meeting without prior warning, one of the guards – undoubtedly wishing they were still asleep – had knocked on their bedroom door's. Begrudgingly, the young Lady Rose had hopped out of bed and rushed to the Gentle Queen's sleeping quarters. She accompanied the royal all the way to the High King's study room. By the time they arrived to the quiet study room, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie were already gathered, fighting off the sleep from overtaking them.

Lucy yawned and leaned against the edge of Peter's desk next to her brother, tying her light-pink silk gown around her waist before letting her eyes droop close. As young Lucy was about to fall in a deep sleep, her sister's lady rushed to her side and helped the young Queen lean her head against her shoulder, smiling softly in gratitud. Strange enough, Rose got a strange burst of energy, and kept wide awake all throughout the short meeting the High King was yet to commence.

Instinctively, Rose had let her eyes wonder towards Edmund Pevensie who slumped back in one of the chairs in front of the desk. Except, that time, the chair had been far away from the High King pacing behind the desk and young girls leaning against it's edge. When his leaned his cheek upon his hand on the armrest, their eyes briefly met, and he instantly tore his gaze away to watch his older sister sit on the long couch in front of the unlighted fireplace. Rose had been taken aback by the sudden change of attitude towards her, and decided to turn to Lucy, whose eyes had been fluttering closed once in a while.

"Peter, what's all this about?" Susan asked, yawning and rubbing her tired eyes as she fell against the soft cushions of the long couch.

"As we all agreed, the lords and I thought about Rose's idea in one of our meetings – and we've decided we're to follow that plan a–" Peter began, but promptly cut of by his younger brother's complaints.

"This is why you called a meeting? To tell us something we already knew?" Edmund inquired incredulously, rising up from his chair. "You woke me up to inform us of something I already knew?" he emphasized.

"Honestly, Peter," Susan added, "you could've called a meeting in the morning, not at three in the morning; and tell Rose to come, too." She, too, rose up from the couch to stand in front of the High King.

"No, I had called Alistair, too, but he did not attend. Obviously," Peter said, gesturing around the each of them with a wave of his arms.

Lucy jolted wide awake when Rose gently shook her just as her eyes dropped closed once again. In a blink of an eye, she stood upright and smiled in her older brother's direction when he looked her way. "But, as we're all here gathered," Lucy began, "aside from Peter's bad timing, I've got something to say." Everyone's attention had turned to the youngest Pevensie moving to stand next to Peter in front of the desk.

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