Chapter 1: Thanos sucks

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DISCLAIMER: Not sure why it wouldn't be obvious, but I own neither Fullmetal Alchemist, or Marvel. :P

'Ordinary', was not exactly the word Tony would use to describe the avengers. Far from it.

No, between norse gods, walking science miracles, assassins, and more, the Avengers were anything but ordinary, and the things they delt with certainly weren't either.

Still, it wasn't every day someone fell out of the sky.


Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, was not easily caught off guard. Years of running and fighting for his life, with the addition of brutal training from a ruthless teacher had ensured that.

No, he liked to believe he was alert and observant enough to avoid most sticky situations. It had certainly saved his skin before.

So, when the ground underneath him suddenly, flat out disappeared, he panicked a little.


He fell forward into a black nothingness, head spinning and arms flailing franticly as he tried to grab a hold of something. A rock, a ledge, anything would have been nice, but there was nothing.

Zilch. Zero. Nothing.

He was just falling through a black nothingness, broken occasionally by what Ed thought, (in the one, small part of his brain that was still functioning) might be stars. Then, almost as suddenly as it started, he was laying face down on an, unfortunately familiar, blindingly white surface.

"Well hello, Mr. Alchemist."

Edward flinched. There was only one being in existence that could sound that smug, annoying, and calm all at the same time. (and it wasn't Mustang, but he was pretty close.)

"Truth." Ed growled, lifting himself from his undignified position on the floor so he could properly glare at the white entity.

The truth smiled in return, an expression that immediately gave Edward a sick feeling. "What the heck am I doing here Truth!?" he demanded, "I didn't open the gate!" because really, he hadn't. Two trips was more than enough for one lifetime.

"No, you didn't." the truth clarified, rising into a standing position, still wearing that infuriating grin.

"What the hell am I doing here then?!" Edward demanded, thoughts racing. No way...thats not even it? Did someone else open the gate? Wait then why aren't they here too? I didn't see a transmutation circle anywhere... Hold on a second...all those stars and stuff... did I even enter through the gate?!

It certainly hadn't looked like the gate, and Ed was pretty familiar with how that whole process worked.

"Stop." the truth said, flapping a dismissive hand, "You're just making this harder on yourself." It yawned boredly, "The truth is, you shouldn't even be here right now. A completely different power pulled you from your world- close your mouth alchemist. You'll catch flies.- and I decided to intervene a little."

As Ed struggled to comprehend what the truth had said (other powers?! What other powers?! pulled from my world?! What?!) , it continued talking.

"Now, normally, I'd just let you get flung from your reality. These things usually fix themselves eventually." it's grin widened, "But I like you Edward, so I have a proposition for you."

Edward tensed as it's words sliced through his train of thought. A proposition from Truth was probably, no... definitely bad news.

"You see, there is a being in the world you're heading to, and he's starting to get on my nerves. Playing around with cosmic powers he shouldn't be, that sort of thing." it said as calmly as though discussing the weather, "And to put it simply, he's going to be a real annoyance for me to deal with if left to his own."


"And what am I supposed to do?!" Ed demanded

"Stop him of course." it stated flatly.


"And why should I?" he said, crossing his arms, steel against skin.

The truth grinned, "Here's why, Mr alchemist. Like I said, this other entity is messing with space and reality. Mixing it all up. You're going to the other world either way because of that. Agree to my deal, and you get all the tools you'll need to stop him, plus a free ticket home to the exact moment you left, once you complete your task." it shrugged, "If not, you'll just be stuck in the other dimension forever."

Ed felt his blood run cold. He really didn't have much of a choice.

"Take your pick, alchemist."

"what canon are you using? What point in the MCU does this happen?"

Listen. I've never heard of a 'canon' in my life. The avengers in this story are a mutilated mix of the MCU, Avengers Assemble, and my own head-cannons. I'll try to make it make sense, but it would be best if you try not to think of the team in a way that relates to the real movies. Also, let me know if you think Loki should be in this or not. In most of my Avengers fics, he has joined the Avengers (or is working with him) and I haven't decided whether to do that or not for this story. lemme know your thoughts :3

As for Ed, I'm following the Brotherhood canon. (he fell through dimensions some time when he was in hiding with the Chimeras, after Briggs.) Plain and simple.

As always, let me know what you think! Constructive criticism is appreciated, and I'll answer comments best I can.

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