Ch20: Search, but not rescue

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To the average human, today was a pleasant, ordinary day in Manhattan. The sun was shining, people were yelling at each other, and the general buzz of the city was lively and uninterrupted.

To the longtime locals of Manhattan however, there was a tenseness in the air. Every few minutes, iron man would pass by in the air, the sound of his repulson jets cutting through the chatter of the streets. The other Avengers had been seen too; Falcon in the sky. Hawkeye on the roofs of buildings. Even Captain America had been seen patrolling the streets, one hand at his communicator at all times.

Tourists cheered and got exited at the sight of the heroes, but to the locals of Manhattan, who had more-or-less experienced several layers of natural selection recently and could now practically smell incoming monster attacks, the Avengers being on the prowl like this meant there were likely about to be a lot of damage related insurance cases.

"Avengers, report." Tony ordered.

This was his third loop around the city, and so far, he hadn't seen a single trace of Edward. He was looking everywhere he could think of, scanning the streets, buildings, and monitoring the local news just in case there happened to be a headline about the highway suddenly mutating into giant pillars.

Or worse, he couldn't help but think, a headline about an unnamed teen being abducted off the street by a member of the Cabal.

"I got nothing." Clint responded. "Wasn't really expecting to see him up here, but still. Tasha?"

"Nothing yet." Natasha responded, voice only slightly drowned out by the roar of the crowd around her. She was undercover on the streets, blending in with the general populace and providing a set of eyes where the avengers would normally have difficulty investigating freely. "If he's smart, he's staying out of sight, getting as far away from the tower as possible."

"He can't have gotten too far on foot, right?" Falcon asked, "Loki didn't mention this art of Fyrsta thing coming with a speed boost or anything."

"Loki said he can make Power stones." Cap said, a sharp end to his tone. "If he has one, he could be halfway across the world for all we know."

"Or he could be at the furry convention on the other side Queens." Tony said suddenly, abruptly changing his flying trajectory.

There was radio silence for a few moments.

"What the-" Clint began

"Tony," Steve said, "I'm going to guess you found something that led you to that conclusion."

"No time." Tony said. "I've sent all of you the location. Get there ASAP."

Tony flew forward, occasionally glancing at the small window in his helmet display.

The lead Jarvis had found was by no means a professional tip. It hadn't even been from a news station. It had been a Facebook post that was 90% keyboard smash, and ten percent blurry photo.

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