Chapter 6: Burning bridges don't make very good fighting locations.

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*Bursts though the door in an All Might onesie* I AM HERE! UPDATING EARLY! HA! *jumps out the window screeching demonically*


The bridge was burning. The city was being attacked by fish warriors. He was in another flipping dimension. He'd just been kidnapped, interrogated (not really) dropped out of the sky, and narrowly avoided death.

And now he had to deal with this.

"Perish, you worm!"

Ed swore and deftly sidestepped again, narrowly avoiding the spear. Right. On top of everything else, now he had to deal with Fishface Mc Flipflops over here, who seemed hellbent on skewering Ed like a trident (kebob?).

"Hope you choke on a lemon and die, Truth." He muttered, eyes darting around the bridge.

He wasn't in a very good situation.

He had initially underestimated Fishhead because of his horrible fashion choices, but that had been a mistake that nearly cost him the other arm. Fishface was fast, unnaturally so. He was freakishly strong. And, unfortunately, he could chuck a spear pretty darn quick-

Edward swore and ducked behind a stalled car, momentarily having escaped Captain Flipflops and breathing heavily.

-and there was also the problem of his environment. A freaking burning bridge just screamed 'potential disasters! Woo!' and if that wasn't freaking fantastic on its own, there was also the fact that since the bridge was damaged, transmutations were risky; The bridge was already falling apart. If he started pulling material from it to fight, there was a very high chance it would decide to fall faster.

A loud yell, accompanied by a crash, caused Edward to risk a glance at the sky.

Oh. Right.

The cherry on top of this stupid situation.

There were several figures in the sky, shooting laser blasts and lightning every which way, yelling, and in general causing massive destruction.

Which meant that in addition to being in a difficult combat situation, his identity was also at risk if he used alchemy. Although the idiots in the sky seemed mostly occupied, his transmutations weren't exactly subtle, and if one of them did see him transmute, it would raise questions that he definitely didn't want to be bothered with.

Where exactly did this leave him?

Screwed, that's where.

"Do not run from me, coward!" Fish-flops yelled, uncomfortably close to Ed's hiding spot.

Ed shifted his stance behind the car. If he was going to do this, it would have to be fast and precise. He couldn't afford to be careless right now. One wrong move, and he was dead (and he had a nice little bouquet of options for how that could happen).

He just had to hope that the guys in the sky were too occupied to notice what he was about to do.

Take this, fish-head. He thought as he brought his hands together, just as Fish-head himself rounded the corner of the car, spear raised to attack.

Ed brought his hands down on the asphalt with a slap, and then the resounding ring of an alchemical reaction pierced the chaotic symphony of the area.

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