Chapter 13: Unknown Variables

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The first thing Ed thought when he woke was that the ground was much, much softer than he remembered it being.

The second thing he wondered was how the hell he managed to fall asleep, because Heinkel snored like a chainsaw on steroids on the best days, and it wasn't easy to sleep when you were on the run anyway.

And then he remembered.

Ed sat up in alarm, mind reeling.

He had fallen asleep.

He wasn't supposed to fall asleep. Not here! And judging from the noodle-y feeling in his limbs, he'd been asleep for at least a solid 6 hours.

"Crap." Ed hissed, sliding out of the bed to his feet and looking around the room in suspicion. The lights were still off. It was quiet, save for the soft humming of an AC vent. The bedsheets were crumpled in the side, a clear sign of his slumber. By all accounts, he'd just had a long, peaceful rest in a perfectly ordinary room.

Ed didn't buy it for one second.

Heaving himself to his feet, Ed got up and paced the room, inspecting. Suspicious or not, it was quiet. Ed put his ear to the door and listened closely, but no voices echoed from the halls outside. No voices... That meant the idiots must be somewhere else...or maybe...!

Ed glanced around the room. No clock, but if it was early enough in the morning, the "avengers" might still be asleep.

Go time, then. No one kept the Fullmetal alchemist captive.

Cautiously turning the door to his room (surprisingly not locked...) Ed peeked out into the empty hallway. The lights were still on, but it could be that this place was similar to Central headquarters, in that the lights really only went out if half the building got blown up.

For now, it seemed the Avengers were somewhere else. However, whether they were still here or not, stealth was key. Judging from his earlier...experience... in the vent, the entire building was likely weaponized, so he needed to pay close attention to his surroundings. That, and he still needed to stay on guard against whatever the phantom voice in the ceiling was.

Slowly, Ed made his way down the hall, listening closely to his surroundings. His automail was squeaking slightly. Probably needed to be oiled.

"Shh!" he hissed, after a particularly loud squeak. Ed paused, then grumbled. "Great, now you're talking to your automail. Way to go fullmetal. Not like you needed any more reasons to be called crazy-" Ed instinctually threw himself against the wall, breathing heavily.

Voices, up ahead.

Steadying his breathing, (And holding his goddamn squeaking arm still-) Ed listened, trying to pinpoint the location of the sound.

"-impossible to say. Perhaps if you'd thought to bring me any sooner-"

"Impossible?! But you said that magic left.. left..tracings-"

"Traces, Thor. Magic leaves residual traces, which you'd know if you'd paid even a passing wisp of attention in the academy-"

Ed frowned. One of the voices belonged to the loud blonde guy with the hammer, but the other voice was scathing and cold, with a kind of smoothness that made Ed's stomach curl uncomfortably. Someone new was in the tower, and didn't that throw a bit of a wrench in Ed's escape plan. Ed had figured how to avoid or take out the other's, but now he had a new obstacle. Ed curled his automail into a fist subconsciously, phantom pain zinging up his arm for a moment.

Ed did not like working with unknown variables.


He didn't have much of a choice though. His chance was now, and either he took advantage of it, or he was stuck here in this dumb tower even longer.

Cautiously, Ed turned the corner, peering out into the hall. The voices were further forward, but he could now see the figures in question. The loud guy looked like he was waving goodbye to the other figure,--oh, yep. Loud guy went a different direction. That meant...

Ed squinted at the other figure. He was tall, dressed in mostly black from what Ed could tell. Most importantly, he was alone. Ed chuckled darkly, eyes glinting in the shadow of a large potted fern.

The easiest way to deal with an unknown variable was, after all, to eliminate it.

"Hehe..."Ed grinned, creeping after the unsuspecting victim. He followed him all the way down the hall, and then down the next one when they turned. Ed's internal glee was almost too much too contain. This guy was so oblivious! Or maybe...maybe Ed was just more stealthy than he remembered. Hehe. Yeah, that was it.

Suddenly, up ahead, the figure slowed to a stop, turning aside to admire a plant. Ed grinned, preparing to strike.

"For something so small, you're not all that difficult to spot." A cold voice sneered from behind Ed.

Ed's screech rattled the windows.


*Crawls forth from a pile of tissues* 

It's shorter than usual, I know. I've been sick and out of town on and off for the last several weeks, and I'm trying to get back into that chaotic mindset required of writing this... lovely...mess.

and all of you! are! amazing!

your comments keep me going man. I've been laughing so hard, I swear every one of them makes me smile. So thank you! your words empower me ! muhahahah!

Bye now, see you next time.

*Scoots away on a trash can lid*

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