Into the Deep

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When Ed came to, it was in several steps.

His hearing was first, the sounds of his battle still ringing in his ears. The resounding hum of alchemy. The crashing rumble of the demolished building around him. The repetitive ringing of the building's alarm system. The grinding rumble of stone and cement. Yelling. The laughter of his opponent.

The chilling shriek of carbonized steel being ripped apart.

The second sense to return was taste, for some reason. His mouth tasted like dust, and....metal. Copper? Blood then probably.

Touch was next, and that pretty much woke him up the rest of the way. Ed hurt. His entire body ached. There were sharp points of pain littered across his body—places he'd been cut or punctured. A spot on his back that throbbed: where he'd been thrown backwards into a rack of merchandise. There was a consistent sting just above his eyebrow that was almost certainly his scar opening up again.

And when his brain finally caught up with the rest of his body, Ed was peeling open his eyes as fast as he could manage.

Take in the situation, Fullmetal.

He was lying face-first on a cold, smooth surface. There was a consistent humming sound around him, a bit like a car's engine. Moving was difficult with his injuries, and even more so because he'd lost the majority of his automail arm during the battle, but when he did finally manage to haul himself up slightly, it revealed that he was inside something very similar to the 'Avengers' plane thing. And he wasn't alone.

"Look who's finally awake." Hydrogen sneered.

"Bastard-" Edward spat, then promptly choked on blood.

"Hah." Hydrogen grinned smugly, and prodded Ed with the shredded remains of his automail arm. "Is that the best you can do?"

Edward, still coughing, promptly offered his middle finger with the most spite he could manage.

Hydrogen laughed again. "Your silly human hand signs don't scare me." He moved the fingers of Ed's detached metal arm to mirror Ed's gesture, then whacked him in the head with it. "Besides,-" He said, grinning as Ed hissed and rubbed at his head, "You should save what remains of your pathetic strength. The Cabal has a very important job for you."

Edward wanted very badly to put a metal fist to Hydrogen's head.

But it was pointless.

Unlike Ed, Hydrogen was virtually untouched. Ed had realized very early on in the battle just how difficult the fight was going to be. Hydrogen was inhumanly fast. He was stronger than Sloth. He could fly and shoot deadly lasers from his fucking eyeballs.

It was hard enough to actually land a hit, but even when Ed had actually started getting in attacks, Hydrogen had shaken off sheets of metal and concrete like they were leaves. Nothing had kept him down. Edward had barely even made him bleed.

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