Ch 10: The Anti Nerf Nest Protocol

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Thor walked along the halls of the tower, Mjilnir swinging idly from his hand. He passed Bruce on the way, who flinched, and couldn't help but chuckle as he made another circle in the air with the hammer. Such an action always made the humans nervous, especially the ones who knew what the hammer--no, what Thor was capable of.

He could easily let the hammer fly from his hand and put a massive hole in the walls of the tower.

He wasn't going to though, of course! He had complete control of his actions. centuries of training, and then even more on the battlefield, had ensured that his throw was controlled. Powerful, yes, but controlled. In fact, now that he thought about it, the only time he had ever fumbled a throw was--

a dull, slightly metallic 'thump' came from above the asgardian, causing him to pause his stroll. Thor glanced up at the ceiling curiously, listening closely.

He knew well from the 'wars of nerf' that the Avengers regularly engaged in, (and from humiliating experience) that there were ventilation tunnels in the ceiling of this part of the tower. Hawkeye often used them to strike from afar. If one listened closely though, you could always hear when the archer was crawling through them. There was chance the archer was roaming them now.

Thor stood still, gazing at nothing but listening intently. His grip on Mijilnir tightened ever so slightly.

The sound, however, did not repeat, so Thor shrugged and continued on.

"Merely a dust rabbit." he murmured, mind drifting off to the traps he had set to catch such a beast.


"Don't leave the tower~" Ed mocked, pushing aside another ventilation grate and continuing down the vent, "My name is Tony Stark~ I'm a huge asshole and I like to detain minors in my vigilante tower."

He turned a corner, brushing aside his bangs for better visibility.

"Tch. As if."

He continued ranting to no one in particular, "It's fine, Suuuurrre. Have your viking drop me out of the sky, then act like I'm the one who can't be trusted."

"After all," he continued, voice rising in pitch, "We're clearly mature adults, with our goatees and spandex and dumb codenames. Pfft."

He murmured angrily, scooting along the (oddly clean) vents. It wasn't an easy task with only one arm present, but he had a point to make, and he didn't plan on giving up easily.

The fullmetal alchemist simply didn't do house arrest. The last time it happened, he had escaped through the window. (admittedly, his escape had led to a close call in the exploding 5'th labrotory, but that wasn't the point.)

The point was, someone had told him 'don't', and he had steam to blow off.

Of course, Ed admitted to himself, I can't actually leave.

Tony, after all, had his arm. It wasn't that Ed couldn't function without his arm, but it made alchemy a whole lot more difficult and time consuming.

Also, even if he somehow managed to return to amestris without his arm, Winry would kill him.

So, it wasn't really a matter of actually escaping. Just getting out of the tower, maybe running around a little in the city or something, and then coming back for his arm. Just enough to get under the jerk's skin and show this group of wierdos that Ed wasn't going to accept being ordered around.

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