The Eye of Destruction

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"Look who's finally awake." Tony greeted, as Ed entered the room.

"Fuck you." Ed spat.

"Flattered, but you're a little too young for that." Tony hummed, ignoring Clint's wheezing laugh from across the room. "food's over there." He added, as an afterthought. Edward growled something unintelligible and stalked off towards the minibar.

Ed busied himself with cramming as many doughnuts as were physically possible into his mouth, and Tony turned to face Loki's quiet entry into the room.

Tony wriggled his eyebrows at Loki as he approached, inquiring silently. "Well?" he said quietly, careful not to catch ed's attention. Natasha leaned back ever so slightly, listening with mild curiosity.

Loki rolled his eyes. "I've been with the child for a mere twenty minutes, and you're already hounding me for results."

"More than enough time. Come on, I know you've got something." Tony insisted.

Loki sighed. "So far, I have not detected any magic within him. If he does have magic, he either has an extremely weak magical core, or he is actively surprising his signature, which takes years of practice an an incredible amount of control, neither of which I believe him to possess." Loki's expression turned exasperated. "Of course, I would be able to make a much more accurate assessment if I were actually shown the site of this supposed casting, which you said you would take me to."

"After breakfast." Tony promised. "We weren't counting on you running into the little menace so soon."

"The sooner we can get this all cleared up, the better." Steve interjected, shooting a glance at Edward across the room. "Extraterrestrial or not, we shouldn't be holding a kid hostage in the tower, especially if he's just a case of 'wrong place wrong time'."

Bruce nodded. "Steve's right. We need to know what's going on to make the right decisions. The sooner we have information, the better."

Tony sighed. "Ughhh fine. I swear, no here has any value for schedule. Sleep, food, or otherwise. Reindeer games, hop in the quin jet, we'll go look at the special micro magic sparkles."

"Residual trace." Loki deadpanned.

"Sure, that's what I said." Tony flapped his hand dismissively. "Jet. Now. Thor," he added, turning to face the Asgardian. "Make sure the kid doesn't end up in the vents again or die or whatever."

"You have my word." Thor swore solemnly.

"...Again? Tony what do you mean 'again?" Steve caught on.

"Aaand that's my cue to leave." Tony turned on his heel towards the door.


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