Chapter 14: Like sandpaper and gravel

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"Stop following me!" Ed growled, for what must have been the 5th time.

"I'm not following you. We simply happen to be headed in the same direction." The Insufferable Bastard stated smugly, continuing to, very obviously, trail behind Edward.

Ed huffed, stomping forwards faster. So much for stealth. This guy had known he'd been following him the whole time. Edward cast a venomous glare backwards at the black-clad figure.

He actually had no idea who this person was. It wasn't someone he had seen in the vigilante tower before, and the person didn't really seem like he was part of the team. He just didn't quite fit the gap. Too fancy. Too....smug. He had to at least be familiar with them though. He was talking with the Viking guy earlier, and he wasn't really behaving like someone in an unfamiliar environment...

"Wall." The figure smiled.

"Wha-OW!" Ed hissed, rubbing where his head had collided with the wall. "bastard." Ed spat.

"Hm, not quite, but close." The figure grinned. "And, had you been looking ahead instead of ogling me, you would have seen it coming."

"I wasn't ogling!" Ed bristled. "I was-! I was thinking!"

"Oh? I'm flattered."

"Not about you!" Ed lied, marching over to the elevator and punching in a number aggressively.


Ed stomped into the elevator, ears burning. The Bastard stepped in after him. Ed found himself sincerely wishing for a moment that the door would close on him and crush his annoying face. Unfortunately, it did no such thing.

The elevator began ascending, and the room lapsed into what Ed found to be a very uncomfortable silence. Suddenly, Ed's head was jerked backwards and he let out a surprised yelp.

"OW! What the- did you just pull my hair?!"

"Of course not. I'm all the way over here. I couldn't possibly reach you." The figure smirked.

"You-! I know you did, asshole! There's no one else in here!" Ed hissed. Logically, it didn't make sense. Captain Sarcastic was all the way on the other side of the elevator, and his arms weren't that long.

Logic or not, his smug expression made it perfectly clear he was responsible.

"Ass." Edward huffed. "Who are you, anyway?!" Ed he added sharply, his curiosity and frustration finally getting the best of him.

"Oh? Isn't it obvious?" The figure returned smugly.

"NO! Why does everyone say that?! I don't know who you people are! Answer the question!"

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