Chapter 11: Bird man and elevators

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He ran for a solid 5 minutes. Down hallways, up stairways, back down different stairways, through rooms--this place didn't end!

When he was finally sure he had escaped whoever had been following him, (the only sound he could hear was he own breathing, so he was sure. He was sure. He had to have lost them-) Edward Elric ducked into a random room, ran to the corner, and sat down with a sigh--a sharp exhale that was both due to relief, and his being out of breath.

What in the world had his life come to? He was being held hostage by like, 7 people. That in an of itself wasn't super new, but none of these so-called 'Heroes' were even alchemists.

In Amestris, he could've flashed his watch to whatever law enforcement showed up to his most recent localized disaster and walked away pretty much untouched, give or take a lecture from Mustang later. Here, he didn't have that option, because not only was he in a different world, but from what he could tell, alchemy—and alchemists—didn't even exist here.

So he was trapped in a building with 7 babysitters who thought he was a space bomb, and he couldn't even do anything about it because he was currently relying on the possibility of one of them fixing his arm to be able to do pretty much anything.


Edward growled and shifted his weight, deciding that self-depreciation wasn't the way to go right now. He needed to get his stuff, arm included, and get the hell out of here. Out of this crazy tower, and then out of this stupid world. Back to Amestris. And Winry, and Granny, and stupid Mustang, and Al.

Oh god... Al... Al had no idea where Ed was. For all Al knew, Ed had been captured, or worse. Was he worried? Ed mentally reprimanded himself.

Of course he was worried, he was Alphonse. Alphonse always worried.

And Ed hated it when he made Alphonse worry.

He HAD to get back. And soon. Pronto. ASAP.

That started with his hand, he decided, when the throbbing pain in his hand re-captured his attention. The trap was going to be difficult to get off, but not impossible. Edward didn't do impossible.

And sitting on his ass wasn't getting him anywhere.

With a little maneuvering, he scooted back against the wall, using it for support. he put his hand on the ground and placed his boot firmly on the edge of the trap to hold it in one place. With a sharp tug upwards, and a stifled yelp, he slammed back against the wall. His hand was free.

And purple, he noted, examining the damage.

It was fine though. Ed was grinning. It was damage he could live with. More importantly, it was a step in the right direction. A tiny step, but still.

with a small 'hup!', Edward was back on his feet, figuratively and literally.

Step two: He needed to get his arm back. Time to get moving.

He had no idea if the mechanic was done with it or not. Winry certainly wouldn't have been, but there were all kinds of new things in this world, machines and tools that he was sure would make repairs faster.

He was going to go stand over Tony until he got it done if he had to.

The only problem was...

Edward glanced around the room. Some metal tables. Something that looked like a really big industrial freezer in a corner. Some kind of...hose? hanging from the ceiling.

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