Chapter 12: Midnight Meetings

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Happy valentines day. Have an extra long chapter.


Whatever Ed had been expecting, it hadn't been this. If you'd tried to take a guess on what was in this room based on the sounds coming out of it, you'd have thought a group of rhinoceros were doing the macarena with an accompaniment of Disappointed Mom Sounds™.

What was actually in the room, by the looks of it, was a long mini-bar and most of the vigilantes. The source of the previous racket seemed to be Viking man, who had a large hammer in one hand and a large slice of pizza in the other. (Edward recognized it now, this was the weird bread and meat stuff they had given him earlier-)

Both of Viking guy's hands were poised to throw, and Ed wasn't sure which of the two projectiles he would rather be hit by. He didn't seem to be the target though. Bow man, across the table, was holding pizza in a similar fashion.

The scary red-haired lady was sitting at another seat, completely unbothered by the chaos around her. Either she didn't care if she got hit by pizza, or she knew that no one who valued their life would throw any at her. It seemed the second option was more likely.

Oh. And there was the food.

The smell had hit Ed like a freight train, and oh, did it smell good...

Personal reservations out the window, Edward made his way over to the table, grabbed a generous helping, and sat at the end of the table. Maybe the others said something, but frankly Ed didn't care. He had one objective right now and that was to cram as much food into his mouth as possible. He was on a mission.

When he came to, there was an empty plate in front of him, and the vigilantes were staring at him.

"What?!" Ed hissed.

The silence continued for a moment, then was broken by a chuckle which quickly turning into a booming laugh.

"I seem to have misjudged you, my friend!" The Viking man said, striding over to place one of his massive hands on Ed's shoulder. "I believe you would find yourself in good company in the halls of Asgard!"

A few of the Avengers chuckled or snorted at a joke that, frankly, Ed didn't get. "What the heck is Asgard? A buffet?"

This, to Ed's annoyance, brought more chuckles, but no explanation.

"Nah kid," Bowman laughed, wiping at his eyes, "I mean, I've just never seen someone put that much pizza away so fast, other than Thor. He kinda holds the record."

'Thor' puffed out his chest proudly.

"Manhattan. 2012." Natasha said idly. Her mouth was ticked up ever so slightly, "Pretty sure Bruce won."

"OHhhhhh! True." Bowman seemed to reconsider. He threw a glance at the scientist. "Dude you ate SO much shwarma."

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