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After capturing Atuma, the Tony's team re-grouped with the second team that had been tasked with taking down Dracula. They told a similar story to Tony, Sam, and Thor's battle with Hyperion; Dracula and his army had been fighting earnestly, then suddenly, without warning, both Dracula and his forces had suddenly retreated, disappearing in annoying, vampiric puffs of smoke.

Friday had no leads on Modoc or Red Skull, so for now, all the Avengers could do was return to the tower to lock up Atuma.

Although most of the Avengers still didn't trust Ed, after hearing what had happened, and seeing him bruised and bloody, the others silently allowed him to ride in the quin jet. Thor was oddly quiet, and kept glancing at the kid with something akin to guilt.

Even if the others didn't trust Edward, Tony now had reason to suspect they weren't dealing with an extraterrestrial villain after all. (and he did plan to share that particular bit of footage with the others)

The ride back to the tower was quiet, but it pretty much always was after a battle.

After a few minutes of flying in the jet, they got back to the Tower and --as had quickly become the routine after a battle—headed straight to the makeshift med lab in the tower.

The room had originally just been one of the many empty laboratory spaces in Avengers tower, but after a few battles, it had quickly become to go-to place when an Avenger was injured. It had scanners, examination tables, and some of the scientific equipment necessary for monitoring some of the more complicated members (like Bruce, who was so full of gamma radiation that he overloaded just about any of the normal equipment).

Over time they had stocked the cabinets with bandages and other first aid, and now, it was quite simply 'the Med Lab'.

The Avengers walked into the lab to various cabinets and corners that they had more or less claimed and began the routine of patching themselves up. They'd done it so many times that by now that they really hardly even needed to say anything, wordlessly going through the motions.

Cap always sat on a certain chair by the cabinet, usually bandaging his fists from punching something too hard.

Natasha was always near Clint: Tony was pretty sure that he was the only one she would let fix her up besides Bruce.

Bruce had a little bottle of painkillers under the cabinet. He was almost never injured—it was hard to hurt the hulk—but he was usually tired and often had a headache after de-hulking.

Thor too, was rarely injured, but sometimes he had cuts or bruises he would run under the sink. Tony had questioned it once, and Thor had launched into a long spiel about the 'allmother' and 'magic' and a lot of other things Tony had shoved into the mental folder of 'Asgardian Bullshit'.

Falcon was usually pretty beat up, so he liked to stay around Bruce to get help sometimes. He typically hung around in the same corner as the disinfectants and atraumatic needles.

Basically, there was an established routine that each Avenger had a part of.

The kid however, was absolutely out of place. He hung around the door at first, almost like he didn't want to enter. When he finally did, he seemed to lack the motivation to even bother with any of the professional grade equipment, much to Bruce's growing horror. After observing him trying to wash the cuts on his face with the hand soap next to the sink, Bruce had ordered him to sit on a table, where he attempted to perform first aid on the stubborn child.

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