Chapter 9

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~~Four months later ~~

Kat's P.O.V.

Today, is girls decided to have a girls day out. I took Ryan with me, knowing that I couldn't leave him alone.

"So, what should we do first?" Lina asked while she put on her seat belt.

"How about the movies?" Ariel asked.

"Or the ice cream store?" Charlotte piped. We looked at her as if she's crazy. She is the perfect mate for Enrico.

"How about the mall? It's been a while since I went there." I asked.

"Yeah, we should shop for some dresses, get meddies and peddies. We should go to the salon. Ooh, I want to put pink strips in my hair." Zoë agreed.

"Ooh, I should do the same, except blue. " Ariel said.

We all agreed to go to the mall. We first went to the salon. We left Charlotte with Ryan because she didn't want anything.

Ariel got blue strips just like what she wanted, Zoë got pink strips, INIS got some highlights, Alejandra got a trim and put volume in her hair, Lina straightened her hair, Alessandra put red strips in her hair, and I dyed my hair brown.

When we were done, we all gasped at our new hair styles. Next, we went to Mac's makeup store. I bought a black eyeliner and a black eye pencil. This made my green/grey eyes pop out. I got some lipgloss, and that's it. I'm not a big fan on makeup.

We decided to go to Victoria's Secret-- correction, the girls dragged me to Victoria's Secret. I was really embarrassed to be in a store with inappropriate lingerie. The girls forced me to try some of them.

In the end, I bought a matching black laced bra and thong, also red matching laced bra and thong, as well as a black push-up bra with a black underwear. I was so embarrassed when they tried to get me to try this 'outfit' or that's what they call it.

When I tried it on, they said it looked sexy on me. it was somewhat true. I lost my pregnancy weight, my skin was more toned, and I had more meat on my bones.

Afterwards, I bought five shirts, three pairs of jeans, four socks, two sweatpants, and three sweaters. I also got Rayan new toys for him to play with.

Once we were done shopping, we went to the food court.

"What are you guys gonna get?" Inis asked.

"Manchu Wok!" I replied.

"McDonald's!!" Kasia yelled.

"Subway!" Charlotte piped.

"New York fries" Alejandra said.

"Subway" Inis said.

"Burger king" Ariel said.

"Pizza" Zoë piped.

"Taco Bell" Chloe yelled.

"Tims" Alessandra said.

"Okay, here's the plan: we all buy our food, then we will meet up by the smoothie stand so we can find a seat for all of us. Deal?" Chloe naturally being the leader planned it out. She's a great Luna.

We all split up to go get our lunch. I went to Manchu Wok. I was waiting in a long line when I couldn't stop playing with Ryan. he's just so cute. He then started to cry, but I started to rock him, and pretty soon he started to calm down. When he fell asleep, I carefully shifted him into one arm.

I heard someone's footsteps right behind me, and heavy breaths on my shoulder. I want to turn around to see who it is but I'm next to order. I took a step

Suddenly I feel taps on my shoulder, and I felt the sparks that belongs to one person, and one person only. I stood frozen, afraid of what may happen.

"Next" called the cashier, making me move away from him.

"I will have the two item; orange chicken, noodles, and beef with broccoli, please." I ordered my meal.

"Will that be all?" The cashier asked in a monotone voice. I nodded my head.

While the cashier placed my food onto the plate, I mind linked my friends.

'Guys, Toby is here! Help me!'

After a few seconds, the cashier was done and handed me my tray. Carefully holding my baby in my arm, I took the tray into the other no likely to be snatched by no other.

"Give it back!" I said, clearly not in the mood.

"Not until you come with me." I snorted.

"Now why the heck would I want to come with you?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to make a scene in front of the humans. And because we need to talk." Said Toby. Just in time, my heroes stepped in.

"What if she doesn't want to?" Creeply all the girls said it together.

"It's not a 'want to', it is a 'have to' kind of situation, unless we should cause a scene in the mall. I mean, I don't want to take this in court, I just want my mate and child, that's all." he said sincerely.

"Then why did you rejected her, huh?" Claudia growled.

"I made a mistake. I know, okay. I was immature, I thought that I wasn't ready to go into a real relationship. But, as soon as I read the letter, I regretted rejecting you, Kathryn. For months, even now, was yearning for you, for your touch, your indescribable smell. I miss you so much it is driving me insane. Come back to me. Please. Let us start over, raise this child, build our relationship. It's killing me not to have you in my arms."

I wasn't sure if I could trust him again. Then, Ryan started squirming in my arms, so I began to rock him back and forth. Toby look at him. His face held a yearning expression.

"It's okay, I'm bound to talk to him soon or later. I rather get this over with." I told the girls.

We sat at a table. he handed me my lunch. I began eating slowly.

"You changed your hair.." He tried to begin a conversation. I nodded my head.

"What's the baby's name?" He asked nodding his head at Ryan, not sure if he's a girl or a boy.

"His name is Ryan Derek Martinez."

"You gave him my last name?" He said with joy.

"Yes, he deserves to know where he comes from, who his father is--which in this case is you." I told truthfully. I got back to eating my lunch. I glanced at him, and he was staring at Ryan.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked. His face lit up, he looked so eagerly.

"Can I?" He asked, to see if he heard right. I nodded my head. I gently passed Ryan to Toby, carefully so he doesn't start crying again.

Toby stared at his son, his face held with admiration and joy. I smiled at the sight.

He looked I to see I was staring at them. I looked away, blushing Crimson red. I was so embarrassed.

"So... when do you plan on moving back with me?" He asked. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Are you serious? What part of running away from you--TWICE if I may add, do you not understand, Toby?" I said.

"Look, I deserve it when you ran away from me, but I want a fresh start. With you and Ryan."

"Fine, I'll give you one more chance. This last one, no more chances after that. Screw up and I'll run away again, next time you won't be able to find me." He smiled like he won a lottery. I guess in a way, he did.

>>Picture of Kathryn when she dyed her hair<<




Rejected and left pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now