Chapter 6

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Kathryn's P.O.V.

The walls were mantis green, with dark blue curtains draped over two huge windows on one side of the wall. The bed has light purple with dark purple designs on it, the pillows are white. There was a fluffy dark blue rug on dark wooden floorboards. On the wall across the bed was a huge flat screen tv hanging on the wall. There was eight beanbags in front, all dark purple. There was a big, black shelf filled with movies and books. Beside it was a full length mirror with metallic embroidery around it. The room was so beautiful. I started to tear up.

"Do you like it? If not we can always get you another room. I mean we have tons of rooms you can choose from--" he started rambling. I looked at my OWN room. I didn't notice he was calling my name.

"Kathryn? Hello?" Derek said worriedly.

"Yeah? Oh. Yes I love it! Thank you so much!" I replied happily.

He chuckled at the look of awe on my face as I looked at it again.


Days passed, I realized that the pack won't hurt me. Everyone--I mean EVERYONE, including the pack slut got along with me. Lilly realized that I have no interest in any of the guys whatsoever because of the way my old pack treated me. Sometimes I still flinch when someone touches me, like a hug or a shoulder touch.

I made new friends; Zoë--she has brown hair colour and is a ballerina,
Enrico-- he is SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN and he has chocolate coloured skin, Kasia--who is quite energetic and has blonde straight hair, Inis--who wears glasses and has an AMAZING voice, Ariel--plays the piano, she dances ballet, jazz, tap, hip-hop and more and she has dark chocolate eyes, and last but not least, Alejandra--she has olive skin and is very friendly.

But, as days went by, I also threw up more and I would refuse to eat anything because I would throw up whatever I ate. I couldn't move a lot at first.

By three weeks, I lost 20 pounds from not eating and exercising. They tried to force feed but everything that has gone down just comes right back up.

"We are going to the pack doctor, no excuses!" Said Zoë.

So they took me--more like dragged me-- to the pack's doctor. They dropped me off and went back to the pack house. There were two things I found out. 1) I'm pregnant and 2) my body is rejecting food because of Anorexia nervosa.

You might ask; "What's Anorexia nervosa?"

Anorexia nervosa :  a serious disorder in eating behavior primarily of young women in their teens and early twenties that is characterized especially by a pathological fear of weight gain leading to faulty eating patterns, malnutrition, and usually excessive weight loss. This can be genetic, caused by abuse, stress, etc.

It can be cured. I am going to try hard for the baby, because I don't want to kill it, for I will be devastated.

'Yay, we're having our mate's pup!' Sapphire exclaimed.

'Yeah' I said non enthusiastically.

When I went home, my friends were hovering over me, asking what's wrong with me.

"What did the doctor say?" Said Arielle.

"Are you going to die? Please don't leave us!" Said Enrico.

"Are you okay?" Said Zoë.

"Please tell us what is going on!" Said Alejandra.

I didn't have any time to answer mostly because I can't hear their question as they speak over each other.

Rejected and left pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now