Chapter 2

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Kat's P.O.V.

The bell rang which meant lunch. I sighed, well at least it is not as bad as at 'home'.

When I opened the doors to the cafeteria, I went to a table. Since I earn little extra money from a job that I secretly do, I only got myself a granola bar so I don't spend too much money, because I am saving it for a special occasion.

I sat at the table where Claudia sits. I heard a few snickers behind me, but I ignored them.

Then I heard the school queen bitch, Ariana yell at me.

"Hey chubby, don't you ever just get tired of being the ugliest thing that ever lived? I mean, you at you, so pathetic, so disgusting, so humiliating. And you can try to make yourself as pretty as possible, but in the end, you are still an ugly whore."

I clench my hand so tight that my knuckles are turning white. But I didn't do anything or say anything. Claudia looked at me as if asking me if I was okay. I silently told her that I was okay.
I turned around to face her table.

Her posse nodded their head, agreeing with her.

Finally the bell rang, claiming that lunch is over. So I got up and went to my locker to get book for my next class.

Many people coughed while saying "loser", or "whore", or "slut". Compared to Ariana, who wears tight tube tops and short shorts, I wore long jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Dumb people.

I brushed off their comments, and went to my next class.

As the usual, I would sit in the front of the class, next to the door, so I can get out of class fast.

The day went by and school was over. I walked back 'home'. I took my time walking over.

By the time I came home, I went straight to the kitchen to make dinner for the pack, like the usual. I made them grilled chicken, sausages, steak, pork chops, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and four different types of salads. Yeah, I know that's a lot of food, but they can eat a whole cow to satisfy their hunger.

When I was done, I took a granola bar, since I wasn't hungry, and went to my room to do my homework.

When I finished my homework, I took a shower. I used my pomegranate body wash, and my mango shampoo. I washed som of the dried blood that was left from the earlier beatings.

The beatings I had today wasn't as bad as the weekly torture that I have. They would sometimes burn parts of my skin, or repeatedly punching and kicking me until I loose enough blood that satisfied them, or even having them shift and bite chunks of skin off (of course they heal, but usually takes a lot longer to heal). But that doesn't include the beatings I would get if I don't do something correctly, or if they're mad and they want to take it out on somebody and that somebody would be me.

Sometimes I would be used with silver knives used to cut my skin, and shoot me with sliver bullets. Of course, I have so many scars.

I got dressed into my pyjamas which is plaid pants and a plain tank top.

I laid in my bed and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


I was restless as I laid in my bed. I kept turning and twisting. The temperature was rising every minute. Then, I realized I was beginning my first shift. I ran to grab a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, and went downstairs into the forest in the backyard as fast as I can.

Than the bones began breaking, and loud painful cracks echoed in my ears. I knew that it would hurt a lot, but that was an exaggeration.

It felt as if someone was tearing my limbs piece by piece slowly, knocked by a heavy truck repeatedly, someone put me on fire, and someone was stretching my body and limbs for hours and I was like a rubber band.

My bones cracked repeatedly and shifted into a new position slowly.

After what felt like a lifetime, everything stopped as if I pushed a button, and the pain was gone.

I felt relieved. No more pain, no more heat. Nothing.

Then, I heard a voice inside my head.

"Hello" the voice said.

I was so confused.

"It's your wolf, stupid"

Oh so that makes sense.

"My name is Kathryn. What's your name?"I asked.

"My name is Sapphire. Now shut up and let's go for a run!"

I laughed at her humour and the desperation in her voice.

I ran more into the forest. My sight, hearing, smell increased three times my usual senses.

The sight of the forest was so beautiful. the moonlight made everything stand out, even though I can see in the dark.

I reached near the lake and I wanted to see my reflection of my wolf.

I gasped as I saw myself. The colour of the fur is a black and white wolf with shades of grey. That is really rare for someone to have a wolf that has two or more colours. Many of the wolves would have only one colour.

My eyes are emerald green, which is a lighter shade of green than in my human form (green/grey).

I spent about another half an hour before I went back to the area where I shifted, to put my clothes on.

When I shifted back, it wasn't as painful as the shift to the wolf form. I wonder why?

As I got dressed, I realized all of my scars and bruises healed. Yay!

I went back home and fell right to sleep with a smile on my face.

I hope you like it so far.

>>The picture on the side is Kathryn's wolf.<<



Love y'all,

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