Chapter 1

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Kathryn's P.O.V

I slammed my hand on the 'snooze' button of the clock. I groaned as I stretched. Just great, another day to live in this cruel world.

Oh, my name is Kathryn Montgomery by the way. I am also werewolf. Many were skinny because of fast metabolism, but for some reason, I am fat.

"Kathryn!!! Get your fat butt down here and make us breakfast!"

That's right, I am the pack's omega. They bully me and hurt me in the worst ways possible.

I mumbled some intelligent harsh words under my breath. I got myself into the shower as quick as I can, got dress into light blue jeans, and an Avengers shirt. Yeah, I am that geek. I put my medium wavy dirty blonde hair into a pony tail.

I looked at myself in the mirror with disappointment once more. I sighed and went downstairs

When I got to the bottom of the stairs, i saw my furious brother standing before me.

"What the heck took u so long, bitch! I am starving as well as everyone else!"said my oh so 'kind' brother Kevin.( and a.k.a. The beta of Red moon pack)

"Sorry" I mumbled.

"Yeah, hell you should be sorry. Now hurry up and make us breakfast!"

He pushed me on the ground hard, using his werewolf strength as well. I bet I am going to have a huge bruise on my hip, and leg.

I rushed to the kitchen and made eggs, bacon, and French toast for over 50 people. It was almost time to go to school.

Trying to sneak out, I heard a voice behind me.

"Now where do you think your going. Don't think that I won't punish you for being late for breakfast" said Kevin.

I nodded my head while looking on the ground. Then the next thing happened was that I was dragged to the basement, and my brother pulled out a knife. Then my shirt came off.

He grabbed my face and cut me across the cheek, back, upper arms, and stomach. While he was cutting me, he yelled harsh things in my face, saying I was the reason why my mom and dad was dead.

Flash back

I was six years old when it happened. It was just me, mom. Kevin and dad was back at the pack house just hanging out.. We were taking a walk through the forest and having so much fun. We were laughing, chasing each other, joking around. I come to think it was the best day ever until I hear multiple of deadly growls behind me.

Mom stiffened, and held body tightly as if I might slip away from her grasp. Just hearing it made the hair of my neck sick out. the growl sound so horrible, to come to think of it, i don't even want to know how it looks.

We slowly turned around to find rouges surrounding us. Their skin had patches of fur missing, and a lot of scars. Their eyes were like fire inside burning, as if it was alive. But their pupils were bottomless black as if they had no dead end.

Then mom turned to me and told me to run as fast as we can to the pack house to tell them we are under attack. She said "I love you" to us as if it was a goodbye. Tears were threatening to spill. All I felt is confusion and fear. I could only nod my head.

Then i felt my feet moving fast as I ran to the pack house. When I was at the pack house, I called for dad and Kevin. I told them was is happening. Then dad told us to stay here and he ran of. That was the last time I ever saw them. Ever since then, everyone treated me as an outcast.

End of flash back

It hurts a lot as each time the knife slashes across my skin and I couldn't help but yelp a little as tried not to scream.

When this was over my brother left, smirking, I was on the floor covered in my blood. So I took a wet cloth and wiped my blood off my skin.

Once I was finished, I put my shirt back on, and went to school. by the time I went to school, most of the cuts heals but not all.

When I was at my locker, I was greeted by my best friend, Claudia Evergreen. She was the one person who treats me nice, and she is a wolf,too! She has brown curly hair that goes up to her shoulders, she is 6'1 (I am 5'11), has grey/green eyes, and she is tanned.

"Hey, kat!"

"Hey, Claude!"

The bell rang and me and Claudia headed off to the first class.

This is my first book so don't judge me too harshly. hope you enjoy it!

The photo of the little girl is kathryn when she was six.



Love you all,

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